SNAP25 - Wikipedia
Synaptosomal-Associated Protein, 25kDa (SNAP-25) is a Target Soluble NSF (N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor) Attachment Protein Receptor (t-SNARE) protein encoded by the SNAP25 gene found on chromosome 20p12.2 in humans. [5][6] SNAP-25 is a component of the trans -SNARE complex, which accounts for membrane fusion specificity and directly execut...
SNAP25 Gene - GeneCards | SNP25 Protein | SNP25 Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · SNAP25 (Synaptosome Associated Protein 25) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SNAP25 include Myasthenic Syndrome, Congenital, 18 and Presynaptic Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes. Among its related pathways are Neurotransmitter release cycle and Uptake and actions of bacterial toxins.
SNAP-25, a Known Presynaptic Protein with Emerging …
SNAP-25 is a component of the SNARE protein complex, which is involved in the exocytotic release of neurotransmitters during synaptic transmission. Through the coiled-coil assembly with syntaxin-1 and synaptobrevin, SNAP-25 mediates synaptic vesicle apposition to the presynaptic membrane permitting their Ca 2+ triggered fusion.
SNAP-25 - PubMed
SNAP-25 belongs to a family of evolutionarily conserved proteins whose members are essential for exocytosis. Neurons and neuroendocrine cells differentially express two SNAP-25 isoforms in a developmentally regulated manner, and related homologues have been detected in most eukaryotic cells.
The SNAP-25 Protein Family - PubMed
Nov 10, 2019 · Here, we review the SNAP-25 protein sub-family, which includes both the Q b and Q c SNARE-domains within a single protein. In vertebrates, this sub-family consists of SNAP-25, SNAP-23, SNAP-29 and SNAP-47, named for their apparent molecular weights. SNAP-25 and SNAP-23 are specialized for driving regulated exocytosis.
The SNAP-25 Protein Family - ScienceDirect
Nov 10, 2019 · SNAP-25 is regulated by alternative splicing, phosphorylation and by G-protein binding, and it regulates Ca 2+ -channels, neuronal survival and postsynaptic spine development.
突触体相关蛋白 25(SNAP25)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性 ...
突触囊泡膜对接和融合由位于囊泡膜 (v-SNAREs) 和靶膜 (t-SNAREs) 上的 SNAREs (可溶性 N-乙基马来酰亚胺敏感因子附着蛋白受体) 介导。 组装的 v-SNARE/t-SNARE 复合体由一束四个螺旋组成,其中一个由 v-SNARE 提供,另外三个由 t-SNARE 提供。 对于质膜上的 t-SNARE,蛋白质突触融合蛋白提供一个螺旋,由该基因编码的蛋白质提供另外两个螺旋。 因此,该基因产物是参与调节神经递质释放的突触前质膜蛋白。 已经为该基因描述了编码不同蛋白质同种型的两种替代 …
SNAP25 synaptosome associated protein 25 - NIH Genetic …
Feb 8, 2025 · Association between a synaptosomal protein (SNAP-25) gene polymorphism and verbal memory and attention in patients with endogenous psychoses and mentally healthy subjects. Golimbet VE, Alfimova MV, Gritsenko IK, Lezheiko TV, Lavrushina OM, Abramova LI, Kaleda VG, Barkhatova AN, Sokolov AV, Ebstein RPGolimbet VE, et al .
SNAP-25 isoforms differentially regulate synaptic transmission
Apr 25, 2019 · SNAP-25 exists as two developmentally regulated alternatively spliced isoforms, SNAP-25a and SNAP-25b. We explored the function of SNAP-25a and SNAP-25b at Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapses in...
The SNAP-25 Protein Family - Neuroscience
SNAP-25 is regulated by alternative splicing, phosphorylation and by G-protein binding, and it regulates Ca 2+ -channels, neuronal survival and postsynaptic spine development.