SLC6A3 Gene - GeneCards | SC6A3 Protein | SC6A3 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · SLC6A3 (Solute Carrier Family 6 Member 3) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SLC6A3 include Parkinsonism-Dystonia 1, Infantile-Onset and Tobacco Addiction. Among its related pathways are Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides and Transmission across Chemical Synapses.
Dopamine transporter - Wikipedia
The dopamine transporter (DAT, also sodium-dependent dopamine transporter) is a membrane-spanning protein coded for in humans by the SLC6A3 gene (also known as DAT1), that pumps the neurotransmitter dopamine out of the synaptic cleft back into cytosol.
The dopamine transporter gene SLC6A3: multidisease risks
2021年10月14日 · The human dopamine transporter gene SLC6A3 has been consistently implicated in several neuropsychiatric diseases but the disease mechanism remains elusive.
溶质载体家族 6 成员 3(SLC6A3)基因 | MCE
该基因编码多巴胺转运蛋白,它是钠和氯依赖性神经递质转运蛋白家族的成员。 该基因的 3' UTR 包含一个 40 bp 的串联重复序列,称为可变数目串联重复序列或 VNTR,可以存在 3 到 11 个拷贝。 重复次数的变化与特发性癫痫、注意力缺陷多动障碍、对酒精和可卡因的依赖、对帕金森病的易感性和对尼古丁依赖的保护有关。 [RefSeq 提供,2009 年 11 月] This gene encodes a Dopamine Transporter which is a member of the sodium- and chloride-dependent neurotransmitter …
SLC6A3 gene - MedlinePlus
The SLC6A3 gene provides instructions for making a protein called the dopamine transporter or DAT. This protein is embedded in the membrane of certain nerve cells (neurons) in the brain, where it transports a molecule called dopamine into the cell.
Functional effects of dopamine transporter gene genotypes on
2013年9月24日 · Much psychiatric genetic research has focused on a 40-base pair variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism located in the 3′-untranslated region (3′UTR) of the dopamine active...
SLC6A3 solute carrier family 6 member 3 [ (human)]
SLC6A3 (a dopamine transporter gene, formerly known as DAT1) polymorphism was found to be significantly associated with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. findings support that gain of disruptive functions due to missense mutations in SLC6A3 may be key to understanding how dopaminergic dyshomeostasis arises in heterozygous carriers
SLC6 transporters: Structure, function, regulation, disease association ...
2013年4月1日 · The NET (SLC6A2), DAT (SLC6A3) and SERT (SLC6A4) are mainly found in the brain. NET and SERT are also found in a subset of adrenal chromaffin cells, mast cells and blood platelets (Kristensen et al., 2011). They regulate many central and sympathetic nervous system functions including learning, mood, attention, movement, appetite, sleep and reward.
The dopamine transporter gene SLC6A3: multidisease risks
The human dopamine transporter gene SLC6A3 has been consistently implicated in several neuropsychiatric diseases but the disease mechanism remains elusive. In this risk synthesis, we have concluded that SLC6A3 represents an increasingly recognized risk with a growing number of familial mutants assoc …
这个基因编码多巴胺转运蛋白,属于钠离子和氯离子依赖的神经递质转运蛋白家族。 这个基因的3'UTR包含一个40bp的串联重复序列,被称为可变数量串联重复或VNTR,可以存在3到11个拷贝。 重复数量的变化与特发性癫痫、注意力缺陷多动障碍、酒精和可卡因依赖、帕金森病易感性以及尼古丁依赖的保护有关。 [RefSeq,2009年11月提供] Dir./Indir. ... A population-specific HTR2B stop codon predisposes to severe impulsivity. Characterization of single-nucleotide polymorphisms …