SK3 - Wikipedia
SK3 is a small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel partly responsible for the calcium -dependent after hyperpolarisation current (I AHP).
Emerging Role of the Calcium-Activated, Small Conductance, SK3 …
The Ca2+-activated, maxi-K (BK) K+ channel, with low Ca2+-binding affinity, is expressed in the distal tubule of the nephron and contributes to flow-dependent K+ secretion. In the present study we demonstrate that the Ca2+-activated, SK3 (KCa2.3) K+ ...
SK3 Chemical composition, SK3 Properties, SK3 Datasheet, Japan JIS SK3
Japan JIS SK3 Carbon tool steel and SK3 Mechanical Properties, Chemical Element, Cross Reference, Datasheet.
SK3 (JIS ) - Worldwide equivalent grades - Steel Number
Chemical composition and properties of european equivalents (EN) for SK3 (Japan, JIS ): C105U (1.1545) , SK3 (Japan, JIS ) - European (EU, EN) and wordwide Steel equivalent grades
SK3 - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
SK3 is a member of the SK channel family that is widely expressed in the central nervous system and the periphery. It is a typical potassium channel with six putative transmembrane spanning regions and is covalently linked to the calcium binding protein calmodulin for its activation.
SK3の基本!性質や特徴を解説(成分・硬度)|金属加工総合メ …
SK3は、JIS規格(JISG4401)で規定されている炭素工具鋼材(SK材)のうち、炭素含有量が1.00~1.10%の材質を指します。 特に、硬度・耐摩耗性に優れ、刃物やさまざまな工具などに利用されています。 SK材は炭素工具鋼材(Steel Kogu)と呼ばれ、炭素(C)含有量が0.55〜1.5%で、特別にCr(クロム)やMo(モリブデン)などの合金元素を添加していない高炭素 …
Identity and function of a cardiac mitochondrial small …
We provide evidence for location and function of a small conductance, Ca 2+-activated K + (SK Ca) channel isoform 3 (SK3) in mitochondria (m) of guinea pig, rat and human ventricular myocytes.
Differential subcellular localization of SK3-containing channels in …
To investigate the expression of SK3 (KCNN3) subunits, we determined the developmental profile and subcellular distribution of SK3 in the developing mouse hippocampus using western blots, immunohistochemistry and high-resolution immunoelectron microscopy.
Small-conductance, calcium-activated potassium channel 3 (SK3…
Using electrophysiological and fluorescent imaging techniques, we investigated the effects of SK3 on the membrane potential and the concentrations of cytosolic calcium, respectively. The effects of SK3 on endometrial thickness and pregnancy outcome were also investigated.
The Ca2+ activated SK3 channel is expressed in microglia in the …
2010年1月14日 · SK3 is expressed in microglia in both the healthy and damaged adult striatum, and mechanistic in vitro studies show it contributes to transformation of microglia to an activated neurotoxic phenotype. Thus, SK3 might be a therapeutic target for reducing inflammation-mediated acute CNS damage.