SDA finder | NDIS - National Disability Insurance Agency
The Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) vacancy finder helps you search for accommodation vacancies that match your needs. You can refine the search results using the filters on the left hand side bar. Search by building type, SDA design category, number of residents, price and more.
Specialist disability accommodation | NDIS
SDA helps to stimulate the market to produce high quality, contemporary, accessible, well-designed housing for participants eligible for SDA. The NDIS provides funding for SDA through a participant’s plan.
SDA dwelling enrolment and vacancies - NDIS
Can I enrol a dwelling as SDA if the NDIS has funded or provided home modifications for the dwelling?
SDA pricing and payments | NDIS - National Disability Insurance …
2024年6月11日 · The NDIS Pricing Arrangements for Specialist Disability Accommodation (previously the Price Guide for Specialist Disability Accommodation) is a summary of price limits and other pricing arrangements that apply to SDA under the NDIS.
SDA Design Standard | NDIS - National Disability Insurance Agency
The Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Design Standard (PDF 8.39MB ) outlines the detailed design requirements for prospective SDA dwellings.
New Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Prices – Further ...
2023年7月1日 · The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has concluded the SDA Pricing Review 2022-23 which evaluated the impact of current SDA prices on the supply and demand of SDA housing, and set new benchmark SDA prices for the next five years.
Question and answer - 16 July 2018 | NDIS
2018年7月16日 · SDA homes may range from a purpose built apartment in a mixed development through to a modified free standing house. How do I know if SDA can be part of my NDIS plan? There are legal rules on SDA eligibility that must be met in order for SDA to be included in a participant’s plan.
SDA demand data | NDIS - National Disability Insurance Agency
Use this tool to explore the latest SDA demand data. SDA demand data is updated regularly and includes information about the number of SDA-eligible participants who: are living in SDA; have SDA funding and are looking for suitable SDA; are seeking alternative SDA; have completed the SDA housing assessment and are awaiting SDA funding in their plan.
New interactive tool to help NDIS participants find accommodation
2021年8月31日 · The SDA Finder is a new interactive tool that helps participants search for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) vacancies that meet their needs. SDA is a range of housing solutions for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.
How do you make an agreement with a specialist disability …
The specialist disability accommodation provider provides your home, not the support you receive living there. Generally you’ll choose a different specialist disability accommodation provider to your other supports.