SCP-460 - SCP Foundation
2023年1月21日 · Description: SCP-460 is a free-floating mass of cumulonimbus, with an average diameter of 3.5 km. Normally, SCP-460 takes the form of a large ring, and is unaffected by …
SCP-460 | Séance Storm (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2021年12月10日 · SCP-460 is a free-floating mass of cumulonimbus. The composition of the cloud itself is typical, with frozen water making up 98.7%. However, the remaining 1.3% of the …
SCP-460 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-460 is a free-floating cloud that is made up of ice and ectoplasm and when above an area with moderate population, the ectoplasm will rain and manifest the …
SCP-460 Séance Storm | object class euclid (SCP Foundation …
2024年9月2日 · SCP-460 is a free-floating mass of cumulonimbus cloud or storm system that summons ghosts, but benign and violent, to descend upon population centers such as towns …
460 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-460 is a humanoid being of black coloration, 1.98 meters in height, and weighing 64.2 kilograms. The object displays no apparent motor or cognitive functions other as …
SCP-460 - SCP基金会
项目编号:SCP-460. 项目等级:Euclid. 特殊收容措施:SCP-460将由机动特遣队Mu-13追踪和观测,并负责收容任何发生的严重事故。所有相关信息都将在传输到Site-19,加密,并备份。在 …
SCP-460 - Fondazione SCP
Descrizione: SCP-460 è una massa cumulonembo fluttuante liberamente, con un diametro medio di 3,5 km. Solitamente SCP-460 assume la forma di un vasto anello, indifferente alle …
scp-460-唤灵雨云 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-460是一团自由飘浮的积雨云,平均直径约为3.5公里。 平时,SCP-460的形状是一个环,其形状和尺寸都完全不受标准气象条件影响。 云团的构成的98.7%都和典型的云团构成一 …
SCP-460 - Спиритуальный шторм - SCP Foundation
Описание: scp-460 представляет собой свободно передвигающееся скопление кучево-дождевых облаков со средним диаметром в 3,5 км. Как правило, scp-406 принимает …
SCP-460-JP - SCP財団
SCP-460-JPは「避妊」「妊娠」を日本円に換算して500円の値段で販売しており、購入すると性別に対応した下着が共通で、さらに「避妊」「妊娠」に対応した物品が排出されます。 こ …