SBM ITB welcomes 413 Postgraduate students for February 2025 intake School blogs More Implementing optimization for maximum company performance, tips from global experts
Academic Programs - SBM ITB
In every degree program that SBM ITB has, we drive students to be innovative leaders with entrepreneurial mindsets and essential skills needed to conquer business problems and drive betterment in the society.
Master of Business Administration - SBM ITB
MBA ITB provides you access to the best pool of leadership talents in the country’s capital, Jakarta, and one of the world’s innovative city hubs for creativity and entrepreneurship, Bandung. Here, you will not only learn Marketing Management in theory, but also learn from the best marketers in the industry, and this applies in any other ...
Admission Postgrad Intake February 2025 - SBM ITB
The Double Degree (DD) program is a master’s degree collaboration program between MSM SBM ITB and campus partners that allows students to get two academic degrees awarded by both institutions in the two-year study period.
Program Studi Sarjana Manajemen - SBM ITB
MBA ITB Jakarta Campus. Graha Irama (Indorama), 12th floor Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 1-2 Jakarta 12950
Business Leadership Executive MBA - SBM ITB
Annually, MBA ITB commence classes on February and September. Early preparation become the important step to enroll and start an embarking journey with MBA ITB.
CIEL – SBM ITB - Institut Teknologi Bandung
The subjects taught in SBM-ITB include Human Capital Management (S1), Competence-Based Human Resource Management (MSM), Cross-Cultural & Conflict Management (S1), Managing Employee Performance (S1), Compensation Management (S1) In Introduction to Business and Management (S1), People in Organization (S2 MBA), and Conflict and Change Management ...
MSM in Finance - SBM ITB
Approximately 50 % active MSM SBM ITB students currently receive scholarships from several sources. Some of them are: Full and Partial Tuition Fee Scholarship from MSM ITB
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship - SBM ITB
To build your business competitive advantage, we highly encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration with other majors in ITB, from STEM to art and design, as we believe it will trigger astonishing innovations for your business.
Sahat Hutajulu - SBM ITB
Email: [email protected] Research Interest: Technology Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, Scenario Planning, Agent Based Modelling and Simulation, Branding and Technology Commercialization, technology adoption, Diffusion of Innovation, disruptive innovation