SSF and digital signatures - SAP Community
On help.sap.com I found information, that I could use SAP Cryptographic library. I have installed SAP Crypto and I maintained ssfrfc.ini file: SSF_LIBRARY_PATH = D:\CRYPTO\sapcrypto.dll SSF_TRACE_LEVEL = 3 SSF_MD_ALG = MD5 SSF_SYMENCR_ALG = DES-CBC. Now I want to test it with report SSF01 - but I'm getting an error: Result: SSF_API_NOSECTK
Encrypt file using SSF ABAP - SAP Community
I want to encrypt the file using SSF ABAP. Actually system is not yet installed with SAPCRYPTO software.For this insatllation basis people is required or ABAP people is required? for that how to do the necessary setting in STRUST in following way : 1. Create Certificate request. 2. Send it to Service.sap.com to get Request response. 3.
SSFW_KRN_VERIFY failed with: Certificate expired ... - SAP …
Verifiquei no XML do fornecedor (fazendo um DECODE do X509Certificate) que o certificado utilizado foi o Certisign_RFB_G3. Que consta na lista das AC da ICP-Brasil, possui validade até 2016 e foi importado na STRUST (SSF NFE_IN). Alguem ja passou por algo parecido? Tenho a 1736879 aplicada. Agradeço desde já. At., Bernardo
smart form - SAP Community
i have a program that calls function SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME and. generates a form how do i get to see and change this form? the function call is attached. call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' exporting. formname = 'ZCL_EQD' importing. fm_name = fm_name. EXCEPTIONS. NO_FORM = 1. NO_FUNCTION_MODULE = 2. OTHERS = 3. …
Sytem message 042 from work area SSFCOMPOSER does not …
2009年7月14日 · Dear All, When we try to take the print of PO, Its throwing the message as *Sytem message 042 from work area SSFCOMPOSER does not exist*.
2007年8月8日 · Please help me. Engine, Idoc, RFC) --> - <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOA
ABAP Web Service with XI and SOAP - SAP Community
2008年6月25日 · SAP ERP HCM. SAP XI (Netweaver 2004s) Our customers shall call a Web Service on the HCM system over the XI system transmitting 2 parameters (IDs) and get back a xml document with a list of hr related information. This is how we started (or want to go on) with the outside-in method: 1. set up data types and message interface in XI integration ...
Vendor Evaluation - Quality Criteria - SAP Community
2010年6月8日 · Hello Experts, After configuring vendor evaluation for QUALITY criteria, whether system will calculate scores for subcriteria like GR lots, Audit.
Generic Data Sources. - SAP Community
2007年10月15日 · I am new to SAP BW.I am working on Generic data sources. As i am going thru the documents, i came across the "LO Extractor", What it is mean. it is any kind of Extractor. If Yes. how many such kind of Extractiot are there. Please provide necessary information. regards, santosh.
insert into sap r/3 table - SAP Community
2007年2月20日 · Attention SAP Partners During the SAP Community migration (which will be READ-ONLY from January 16 â January 23), Partners will have access to the partner page from here. Link to the Partner page here.