Statistical Area Level 4 - Australian Bureau of Statistics
2021年7月20日 · Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4s) are geographic areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s). SA4s are the largest sub-state regions in the Main Structure of the ASGS and are designed for the output of a variety of regional data, including data from the 2021 Census of Population and Housing.
STATISTICAL AREA LEVEL 4 (SA4) - Australian Bureau of Statistics
2016年7月12日 · The SA4 regions are the largest sub-State regions in the Main Structure of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS), and have been designed for the output of a variety of regional data, including data from the 2016 Census of Population and Housing.
ABS Maps | Australian Bureau of Statistics
Go to Data by Region to access ABS statistics on a particular geographical region.
Regions, Sub-regions and Postcodes | NSW Government
2022年3月24日 · Regions are based on Australian Bureau of Statistic (ABS) SA4 statistical areas and metropolitan Sydney (combining a number of SA4 regions). Smart and Skilled Providers indicate their willingness and capacity to deliver a qualification in one or more of 15 regions outlined in the table below.
1270.0.55.001 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS ...
2010年12月23日 · STATISTICAL AREA LEVEL 4 (SA4) The SA4 regions are the largest sub-State regions in the Main Structure of the ASGS. They are designed for the output of labour force data and reflect labour markets within each State and Territory within the population limits imposed by the Labour Force Survey sample.
ABS - ASGS - Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) 2016
This dataset is the Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) boundaries as defined by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 1 - Main Structure and Greater Capital City Statistical Areas, July 2016.
ASGS2021/SA4 (MapServer) - Australian Bureau of Statistics
Description: Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4) are geographical areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3).
Statistical Area 4, 2021 — sa42021 • absmapsdata
Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 4 in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used. See [ABS explanation] (https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4 Printable Maps - SoSearch
Select your SA4; Select your SA3; Select your SA2; A list of SA1 codes is on your screen now; Zoom in to find your street and take note of your neighbourhood SA1
Statistical area level 4 (SA4) code NNN (Value Domain) - Metadata.NSW
SA4s are identified by a 3-digit hierarchical code. This comprises a 1-digit State or Territory identifier, which precedes a 2-digit SA4 identifier, unique within each State and Territory. There are 107 SA4 regions covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps.