WD Blue SA510 SATA SSD - WD Support
Instructions to install WD Drivers on a Windows or macOS machine for your Western Digital External Drive.*END Guided Assist Answer ID 50273: Update Windows USB Drivers in Device Manager Guided Assist View the Use of Third-Party Software...
WD Blue SA510 SATA SSD 2.5”/7mm Cased - Western Digital
With capacities of up to 4TB 1, high endurance, plus low power draw for more laptop life between charges and reduced vibrations compared to HDDs, the WD Blue SA510 SATA SSD is the perfect drive for a powerful PC upgrade.
250GB WD Blue SA510 SATA SSD 2.5”/7mm Cased | SanDisk
Designed with the professional or creator in mind, the WD Blue® SA510 SATA SSD delivers up to 560MB/s 2 (500GB – 4TB 1 models), for your workflow, and up to 4TB 1 capacity to store your massive media files. Maximum compatibility with older PCs with …
【西你太美】西数新蓝盘SA510拆解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
马牌88SS1074 主控,南亚DDR3缓存,闪迪15nm2D TLC颗粒。 第二代就是WD Blue3D(闪迪Ultra3D),核心型号闪迪X600。 质保升级到了5年,还是马牌1074方案,颗粒换成了闪迪64层3D TLC颗粒。 之后又出了96层版本,只换了颗粒,没换主控,算是2代小改款。 (裆燃,这个系列爆出了著名的冷数据问题。 第三代就是如今的新蓝盘SA510。 据说是全新自研主控。 毕竟马牌88SS1074这个主控从2014年问世,到今天已经连续服役8年了。 而同时代的 慧荣群联,已经 …
1TB WD Blue SA510 SATA SSD M.2 2280 - Western Digital
The WD Blue SA510 SATA SSD M.2 form factor helps boost PC performance for creatives, professionals, and editors. Increase productivity with storage capacity of up to 1TB.
问下西部数据的WD SA530固态硬盘如何? - 知乎
随机读 95K (IOPS) ,随机写 84K(IOPS). 外形上分为 SATA接口 和 M2 接口 的,性能是一样的。 和 SN530 不是一个级别。 目前买 SN570 性价比是比较高的。 1T 450元,500G 319元。
Western Digital 1TB WD Blue SA510 SATA Internal Solid State …
Featuring read speeds up to 560MB/s (1) (500GB - 4TB models), this fast SATA SSD delivers a performance boost that keeps up with your workloads so you can stay creative and be more productive. Clone your computer's hard drive to your WD Blue SA510 drive with the included Acronis True Image for Western Digital software (3).
The WD Blue™ SA510 SATA SSD comes in 2.5” and M.2 form factors for increased compatibility, fitting into many PC slots including those of many older machines. Highlights • Upgrade your creativity with a performance boost that delivers read speeds up to 560MB/s3 (500GB 4 - 4TB models). • 4Give your PC new life with capacities of up to 4TB
WD Blue SA510 SATA SSDs - Critical Firmware Update Available
Dec 13, 2022 · A critical firmware release, 52020100, is available for Western Digital’s 3rd generation WD Blue SA510 drives (in the following capacities: 250GB, 500GB, and 1TB) to address situations in which a drive may not be recogni…
西部数据推出新款 SA510 SATA SSD:560MB/s读速、5年质保399 …
Jun 1, 2022 · WD Blue SA510 SATA SSD 基于全新一代无缓存架构,采用西部数据自研控制器和原厂TCL 3D NAND颗粒,拥有高达400TBW的耐久性。 性能部分,顺序读取最高可达560MB/s,读取效率是消费级 机械硬盘 的3-4倍。 内附带安全软件,可提供保护,防止勒索软件,同时免费的西部数据仪表盘软件可实时 监控 硬盘 运行状况、温度、可用空间、固态版本等,自由操控。 此外,支持5年质保,除了2.5英寸版本外,还有M.2版本,目前暂未上架。 天啊,真 …