Winchester Model 1897 - Wikipedia
The Winchester Model 1897, also known as the Model 97, M97, Riot Gun, or Trench Gun, is a pump-action shotgun with an external hammer and tube magazine manufactured by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company. The Model 1897 was an evolution of the Winchester Model 1893 designed by John Browning.
2019年6月25日 · The S1897 is a shotgun type weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS. The Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" (simply called the S1897 in-game) was designed by John Moses Browning. More than a million have been produced during its service era, used in conflicts from the Philippine-American War all the way through to the Gulf War.
The S1897 is fucking great : r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS - Reddit
The S1897 seems to be a balance between range, stopping power and rate of fire, it's my personal favourite; The sawed off is good for a last resort;
S1897 | PUBG Mobile Wiki | Fandom
This weapon is powerful, but doesn't fire very fast and must be reloaded manually. Close range only. " ― In game description. This weapon is good for closed quarters but one missed shot may spell your death because it's pump action. It tend to shot farther than most people thinks especially with choke.
Best S1897 Loadout in PUBG Mobile: Complete… | MobileMatters
2025年2月13日 · The S1897 is a pump-action shotgun in PUBG Mobile with lower recoil compared to other types of weapons in the same class, thus making it easier to land follow-up shots quickly. Moreover, the S1897 uses 12-gauge shotgun shells, which are common on the battlefield, so you are less likely to run out of ammunition.
S1897在《绝地求生》中是最常见的霰弹枪俗称喷子,装填5发12口径霰弹,这把枪的短板是射速较慢,想用好这把枪一定要善于利用掩体打一枪躲一下,相较于二连喷是容错率比较高的一把喷子。 S1897,仿照温彻斯特1897型,温彻斯特1897型是一支采用外部击锤和5发管状弹仓的泵动霰弹枪,它有12号和16号两种口径,有多种不同长度的枪管。 [1] S1897在游戏中的三把霰弹枪之 …
绝地求生S1897、S686和S12K选哪个好 - 知乎
绝地求生霰弹枪,俗称喷子,绝对是近战强势武器,使用特殊的12口径子弹,子弹散射造成伤害。 目前绝地求生中总共有三把枪,S1897、 S686 和 S12K,河马在这里分析一下哪个好用。 首先我们来看一组数据对比. 1、S686双管猎枪. 夺命两连发,这把猎枪老枪手很喜欢用,射速在猎枪中算高的,配备上猎枪收束器这个神器,十分好用。 猎枪收束器的原理就是把子弹的分布收束一 …