Preferred Carry Mode and Holster for Ruger SP101?
2016年2月8日 · Years ago I carried a Ruger Security Six in a Roy's Pancake holster that was similar to the Simply Rugged Silver Dollar Pancake and it was a comfortable way to carry …
Ruger SP101-Holster-Gear - Defensive Carry
2008年4月27日 · as Ruger Forum.com and The High Road.org or others. The holster that was sent to me for Review is the High Noon Holster-Speedy Spanky paddle design, expressly …
Ruger SP101 DA Only how many use for EDC? If so what...
2016年4月8日 · I have a 3" SP101 that I often woods carry in either an Uncle Mike's Sidekick or a Tagua leather paddle holster. Both typically worn in the cross draw position, because strong …
Ruger SP101 for Carry? - Defensive Carry
2018年1月9日 · The SP101 will handle magnum loads comfortably, making it a pretty convincing little problem solver. Mine, when carried rides in a FIST #12 outside the waistband at the 4 …
RUGER SP101 review - Defensive Carry
2013年9月22日 · I'm carrying the SP101 in a Desantis Crossbreed style holster, or my favorite carry style pictured below. While the weight is significant, as stated earlier the RUGER fully …
Best pocket holster for Ruger SP101? | Defensive Carry
2008年10月31日 · Don't know about the Kramer, but I've heard good things about Kramer in general. I have a Safariland pocket holster that I use with my SP101 on occasion. Slick coating …
FIST INC #1 and #1A for Ruger SP101 3"...anyone...
2013年7月30日 · As you can see in another thread here, I recently picked up a SP101 .357 with the 3.06" barrel and I've come to realize that finding a holster for this beast isn't all that easy. …
SP101 with 4 inch barrel - feedback? | Defensive Carry
2017年5月3日 · I'm a BIG fan of the SP101! The 4" (with adjustable sights) goes back to my favorite Ruger revolver, the no-longer-built, expensive-to-find Security Six stainless 4". I can't …
Ruger SP101 as a pocket gun - Defensive Carry
2022年10月26日 · For the last few weeks now, I have been surprised by how well my DAO Ruger SP101 .357 Mag snub revolver has worked for me as a pocket gun. Yes, a pocket gun. It all …
Ruger SP101 3" owb holster? - Defensive Carry
2013年3月20日 · 3-1_16-SP101-Holster-Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. Not the highest quality custom made holster but decent for its price point. "Was there no end to the conspiracy of irrational …