How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Roof? – The Housing Forum
Based on the prices listed above, a replacement roof with mid-grade materials can cost $10,000 and up. A 24 square roof with asphalt shingles and a single layer of tear-off can cost as little as $6,700, while the same roof with zinc or copper roofing can cost as much as $30,000. An example of a contractor’s roof estimate walk-through can be ...
Roll Up Awnings - The Housing Forum
An easy solution as protective shelter from the sun’s heat, glares, cancer causing rays, and also during rain is roll up awnings. Also sometimes called retractable awnings, these cost-effective barriers create refreshing shade and weather protection without blocking fresh air or the scents, sounds, and other pleasures of the outdoors. Able to ...
Metal roofing - How much does it cost? – The Housing Forum
Metal roofing has become more and more popular as a roofing option in recent years. There are a wide variety of options that consider both aesthetics and budget along with many benefits to choosing to go with sheet metal roofing. Corrugated metal roofing can have a high up-front cost. One can expect to pay $10,000 […]
Cheap Laminate Flooring – The Housing Forum
The cost of a cheap laminate floor can start well below a dollar per square foot. The prices on units of laminate change frequently due to the abundance of supply and shifts in demand for the product. Clearance sales and liquidation events at retailers can often cut the cost of a laminate floor by 75% or more.
How to Choose Plasma TV Brackets? – The Housing Forum
No matter which option you choose for your plasma tv, it may be well worth the cost to have it professionally installed. Sometimes, the cost of your plasma TV wall mount bracket includes professional installation – just ask before you buy. Good luck, and happy viewing! Related Posts. How To Wall Mount a Flat Screen TV?
Aluminum Scaffolding - The Housing Forum
Aluminum is a cheaper substance than other scaffolding materials such as wood, steel, or fiberglass. Of course, as with any product, the higher the quality and durability the higher the cost, and the same goes for aluminum scaffolding resulting in a wide price range for products depending on how durable one wishes their scaffolding system to be.
How To Install Foundation Vents? – The Housing Forum
Return to the underside of the house and locate the drill bit. Then measure from the bit to the left, right, top and bottom of the bit to determine the size of the opening you have available. Then subtract 1-1/2” from top, bottom, left and right. (This will provide roof for framing and cutting the hole. USE EXTREME CAUTION on the following:
Multi Purpose Ladders – The Housing Forum
How much will it cost? Multi purpose aluminum ladders vary greatly in price. Depending on the quality, size, and function of the ladder, they can run anywhere from $75.00 to over $700.00. Ladder Construction. Ladders not only vary in function, but also in construction.
How To Lay Roof Shingles? - The Housing Forum
Though time-consuming and laborious, it is possible for the advanced do-it-yourselfer to re-shingle a roof. Contents1 What you will need:2 Getting Started2.1 Step One2.2 Step Two2.3 Step Three What you will need: Enough shingles to cover the area of your roof 30-Pound felt paper Staple hammer Nail gun powered by an air compressor Chalk line […]
Sliding Closet Doors For Bedrooms – The Housing Forum
Sliding closet doors for bedrooms save space making the closet easier to organize and requiring less time to locate something in the closet both of which make sliding closet doors a wonderful choice for every bedroom closet in the home. They can take up only two feet of space and open and close by sliding […]