Roblox Uno: What happened? - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum …
2023年10月3日 · This post explains what happened to Roblox Uno. Crazy 8s (NEW GAME) | Crazy 8s Changelog | Crazy 8s Credits Last updated: 2023-10-03T10:19:00Z (UTC) Important FAQs Can I still play it? Is this still Roblox Uno? In essence, yes. Roblox Uno has been rebranded to Crazy 8s, the game that uno was based upon due to legal issues. Read more in the post below. What happened to my passes that I bought ...
Crazy 8s Changelog - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum - Roblox
2023年6月22日 · Roblox Uno has been rebranded to Crazy 8s, the game that uno was based upon due to legal issues. For more info, please see What happened to Roblox Uno? If you have any questions, concerns, requests, or otherwise useful insight feel free to message me here or on any of our other social medias.
Roblox Uno Changelog - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox
2022年7月9日 · Play | Credits | Twitter | Group Last update: 2022-10-03T10:10:00Z (UTC) Roblox Uno was rebranded to Crazy 8s! For more information, see What happened to Roblox Uno? As such, this post is no longer being updated. If you have any questions, concerns, requests, or otherwise useful insight feel free to message me here or on any of my other social medias. Badge Awarding Bug Fix Released 2022-07 ...
[Full Tutorial] How to script on Roblox | Beginners!
2022年9月20日 · How do script [ Update Version], 2022/2023 Introduction Hey there! Today, I will be teaching you how to script from scratch - all the basics you need to know when coming to script on Roblox with a better and updated version! [If you’re a beginner] After this tutorial, you should learn: Understand the very basics of scripting on Roblox. In this tutorial, we’ll be talking about: Variables ...
Roblox Uno Credits - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox
2022年4月27日 · Play | Changelog | Twitter | Group Last updated: 2022-10-03T10:14:00Z (UTC) Roblox Uno was rebranded to Crazy 8s! For more information, see the What happened to Roblox Uno?. As such, this post is no longer being updated If you have any questions, concerns, requests, or otherwise useful insight feel free to message me here or on any of my other social medias. Credits Roblox Uno was created by ...
Feedback on Suno! (Roblox Uno Game)
2022年7月4日 · [OPEN SOURCE] SUNO! (Super Uno) Check out [OPEN SOURCE] SUNO! (Super Uno). It’s one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Roblox. Well this game was a failure here's too open sourcing it I guess Welcome to SUNO! An Uno-inspired card game for everyone...
How could I make the Roblox Uno card UI?
2021年5月19日 · I would like to replicate the system used in Roblox Uno where cards are automatically centered on the screen and will shrink when there are enough of them. I would also like to know how to make SurfaceGuis line up like a UI Layout as shown in the picture. I wasn’t sure how this was done, so I would like some help with that. Thanks!
Card Inventory gui - Scripting Support - Developer Forum - Roblox
2021年2月2日 · I am working on an Uno game, everything works fine, but I would like to change how my card inventory works: 1. I want the cards to be sorted by color, 2. I want the cards spread from the middle to the sides, 3. The cards need to overlap if there are many, otherwise they will disapear out of screen (because it doesn’t fit)
How to make a pop up animation like Roblox Uno work?
2023年4月21日 · I’m trying to script something similar to hovering over a card in uno and it pops up, and if you click it, it stays up, but whenever I click the button, it pops back down because of the mouse leaving after clicking the button. How do I fix this? My script: local dividers = script.Parent local tabs = dividers:GetChildren() local tweenS = game:GetService("TweenService") for i, tab in pairs ...
How to create stacking cards? - Scripting Support - Roblox
2021年3月11日 · I’m trying to create something like Roblox Uno’s stacking card system, as shown in the picture below. Essentially, the cards are stacked in the bottom center of your screen. And when you click on one of the cards, it gets pulled up so you can see the whole card. How will I be able to achieve this? (The card must be stacked in the middle, keeps a distance between themselves and when clicked ...