Rita Strohl - Wikipedia
Rita Strohl (born Aimée Marie Marguerite Mercédès Larousse La Villette) (8 July 1865 – 27 March 1941) was a French composer and pianist.
Why you need to listen to the music of Rita Strohl: cellist ...
2023年4月27日 · Rita Strohl found the classes in music theory and composition boring and antiquated. As a young pianist and student she had the courage to speak out about her opinions, and she started her own classes. Similar to César Franck’s Sonata (also on this recording), the Strohl Cello Sonata has a cyclic form where themes recur throughout the entire ...
Rita Strohl — Wikipédia
Rita Strohl, née Aimée Marie Marguerite Mercédès Larousse La Villette, le 8 juillet 1865 à Lorient [1] et morte le 27 mars 1941 à La Gaude (Alpes-Maritimes), est une pianiste et compositrice française.
Strohl, Rita | femalecomposers.org
Rita Strohl composed various lyrical, symphonic and chamber music pieces. She was celebrated by Camille Saint-Saëns, Vincent d’Indy and Gabriel Fauré. Jane Bathori sang her twelve songs Bilitis to the libretto of Pierre Louÿs, and Pablo Casals played her music.
Rita Strohl : portrait d’une compositrice classique hors-norme
2024年12月23日 · Ces dispositifs hors norme valent à Rita Strohl le surnom de « compositrice de la démesure », qui figure sur la pochette de toute une série d'albums à son honneur. Des œuvres enjouées......
STROHL Rita - Présence compositrices
2024年12月16日 · Rita Strohl was born in Lorient (Morbihan) in 1865, the eldest daughter of painter Élodie Jacquier and army officer and amateur violinist Jules Larousse-La Villette. As a student at the Paris Conservatory, she manifested her …
Rita Strohl - Corelia Project
A precociously talented child, Rita Strohl was admitted to the Paris Conservatoire at the age of thirteen. Her music was first heard in public in Paris in 1884 (Piano Trio), then in Rennes and Chartres in 1885 (Messe à six voix, orchestre et orgue).