Several REXX Batch Questions - Tek-Tips
Aug 8, 2007 · Hi I'm a little rusty on Rexx but have written A REXX program that reads two input files, does some manipulation on them and writes a third file. The rexx works fine when executed in the forground. My question is about Running REXX in batch. 1) Currently I have the rexx coded to allocate the...
Date/Time Calculation - REXX | Tek-Tips
Oct 8, 2006 · Does anyone have a routine to calculate the number of hours between two dates and times?
Julian Dates - REXX | Tek-Tips
Jan 24, 2003 · From OS/390 V2R10.0 TSO/E REXX Reference Julian date in the format: yyddd. Note: When used for date_format1, this option is valid when input_date is not specified. Based on the above I suspect that you are going to have to do any conversion by hand.
Trapping PF keys in mainframes - REXX | Tek-Tips
Sep 19, 2001 · I am writing a Rexx program which displays ISPF Panel. If the user presses Enter key or PF3 key, the panel returns control to the program but I can not differentiate between the keys. I need PF3 to end the program and enter to Process furthur. address ispexec "display...
ISPEXEC vput and ISPEXEC vget - REXX | Tek-Tips
Sep 25, 2006 · Hi, I want to know what is vput and vget statements and how to use it in a REXX program. When i tried using the following lines in my REXX program, i was...
Rexx coding for Scrollable Dynamic panels - REXX | Tek-Tips
Jan 22, 2007 · I'm trying to write a rexx application to display variable output. I was hoping that defining a panel with a dynamic area,which was scrollable, would allow the panel to navigate up and down without returning to rexx. However, when using PF8(down) & PF7(UP) control is returned to the rexx...
Invalid Syntax - REXX | Tek-Tips
Oct 22, 2001 · "A command entered or contained in a CLIST has invalid syntax." That's all my Rexx tells me. It appears to run correctly. The process is to From command line, enter TSO rexxname Display First Panel Select Option Display Second Panel Don't enter anything, just …
PDS member list details - REXX | Tek-Tips
Mar 30, 2001 · Hello, I am just a new to using REXX on the mainframe, and hence the following problem has me stumped: Does anybody know if REXX can get the PDS member details for a member in a PDS. Name Prompt Size Init Mod VV MM ID IBAN 170 99...
send mail through Rexx? - Tek-Tips
Jan 23, 2004 · Hi everybody, Currently I am working on porting some Rexx code from old OS/2 to Windows. I am working on this one file in which I have to email a report to a few people. in OS/2 the following was used: 'sendmail -t -af ' MsgFile I learned that I …
Cursor positioning in ISPF panels using REXX - REXX | Tek-Tips
Dec 23, 2002 · Hi, I'm new to rexx and ispf panels. Could you please help me figure out how to position the cursor at a particular field on the panel, when invalid data is entered on the panel field? Here is a peice of the panel code: )init .help = compghlp .zvars = …