Several REXX Batch Questions - Tek-Tips
2007年8月8日 · My question is about Running REXX in batch. 1) Currently I have the rexx coded to allocate the two input files and one output file in the rexx script using ALLOC command. I thought that when I ran REXX in batch I would use normal JCL commands to allocate the files and just use the DDNAME specified in the JCL in my rexx program.
Date/Time Calculation - REXX | Tek-Tips
2006年10月8日 · Rexx routine to get a gdg generation create date. fossowat; Oct 2, 2009; REXX; Replies 1 Views 147. Oct 4 ...
Julian Dates - REXX | Tek-Tips
2003年1月29日 · From OS/390 V2R10.0 TSO/E REXX Reference Julian date in the format: yyddd. Note: When used for date_format1, this option is valid when input_date is not specified. Based on the above I suspect that you are going to have to do any conversion by hand.
Sample REXX Code for JCl Submission - REXX | Tek-Tips
2005年7月27日 · Here's some advice: REXX is not JCL. You can't 'bypass the steps in a Job using REXX' unless you actually have the REXX code excise the steps to be bypassed from the job, and then they're not part of the job any longer, are they? You bypass steps in a job using JCL facilities (which are not REXX facilities).
Trapping PF keys in mainframes - REXX | Tek-Tips
2001年9月19日 · I am writing a Rexx program which displays ISPF Panel. If the user presses Enter key or PF3 key, the panel returns control to the program but I can not differentiate between the keys. I need PF3 to end the program and enter to Process furthur. address ispexec "display...
Rexx coding for Scrollable Dynamic panels - Tek-Tips
2007年1月22日 · It implies that the scrolling is handled by the REXX application not the Panel. The SCROLL(ON) appears to allow scrolling info to be passed back to the rexx to then control the scrolling. I had originally thought that if the variable was greater than the screen definition then scrolling would take place within the panel, the same as a TBDISPL.
ISPEXEC vput and ISPEXEC vget - REXX | Tek-Tips
2006年9月25日 · Below I am giving a REXX program which is calling a macro, but I am not getting the expected output. Can anyone tell me whether the below statements are right. My problem is, the variable i am sending using vput is not retrieved in the macro, it is passed to the macro as an empty variable. PROC - 1 /* REXX */ PROC = "AARTHY"
Cursor positioning in ISPF panels using REXX - Tek-Tips
2002年12月30日 · In the rexx, I check if the membername(&pname) exists in the dsn(&ploc) by using the sysdsn function. If the member is not found then I need to position the cursor at the pname field on the panel. Here is the rexx code that does the checking:
TIME calculations... - REXX | Tek-Tips
2003年1月2日 · number of seconds is the best way. I create a rexx function some time ago to do math calculations on time using number of seconds. convert both times to seconds the substract and get the diffence. I have a function if you are interest that works like the DATE() functions but for time conversions.
Selection on a scrolling panel - REXX | Tek-Tips
2003年4月3日 · Sample scrolling panel problem: Sel Dataset name _ level1.level2.a Y level1.level2.b Y level1.level2.c _ level1.level2.d I select .b and...