Information | City of Renton
The Airport Traffic Area is a Class D Surface Area. The Class D Surface Area around the Renton Municipal Airport is unique, as it sits under the Terminal Control Area (Class B Airspace) for Sea-Tac International Airport.
Renton Airport | City of Renton
Contact Us. City of Renton. 1055 S. Grady Way. Renton, WA 98057. View on Map. P (425) 430-6400
New Submission
Jan 29, 2025 · This form is to be used by those with a Renton Municipal Airport access badge who need to renew their badge. Access badges must be renewed every two years. The form consists of an application on page 1, and the GVOR test on page 2.
This Leasing Policy for Renton Municipal Airport is intended to provide guidance for leasing Airport property and be a guide for City staff on Airport leasing issues. This policy guide has the following purposes: 2.1. Maintain Renton Municipal Airport in a safe manner; 2.2. Preserve investment in the Airport; 2.3.
Dear Renton Airport Community, As we kick off a new year, I’m excited to share updates on the projects and initiatives underway at the airport. Each effort is designed to enhance the experience for our tenants, visitors, and the General Aviation community while ensuring the long-term success of Renton Airport. Paving the Way for Better Access
The Renton Municipal Airport is a well-established municipal airport, which offers a wide range of flight related services. The Airport is owned and operated by the City of Renton.
Seaplane Base | City of Renton
The seaplane base consists of a concrete launch ramp, seaplane dock, and on-call US Customs and Border Patrol service. The seaplane launch ramp is accessed via the Renton Municipal Airport. Seaplane maintenance, float install/removal, and float truck service is provided through FBOs on the Renton Airport.
Regulation standards. The Airport does not recommend the use of heavy electrical equipment (i.e. compressors, large electric tools). Each hangar is equipped with limited electrical amperage and breakers can only be reset by Airport Maintenance. The following is a list of general maintenance rules: 1. No parts cleaning using flammable liquids. 2.
Aircraft Storage | City of Renton
The city manages 30 Tie-downs in three locations on the east and west sides of the airport. Dimensions: 40' maximum wingspan for a fixed-wing aircraft Monthly Rent: $120.00 (w/leasehold excise tax)
WHAT: A multi-agency, full-scale disaster response training drill at Renton Municipal Airport involving multiple agencies at the local and federal levels. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) encourages airports to test emergency response