Remington Typewriter Models: An Overview - The Old Timey
Here's a look at Remington typewriter models. Founded in 1816, well before Underwood, these are some of our favorites to seek out today.
Vintage Remington Typewriter Models: Value and Price Guide
In this blog post, we will walk through the models of the Remington typewriter, its history, and what it’s worth. Please keep reading to learn more.
Antique Remington Typewriter [History, Models, Value]
In this article, we’ll guide you through the history, models, and value of the antique Remington typewriter. It’ll include all you need to decide on the type of vintage typewriter that complements your lifestyle and taste.
Remington Portables - Xavier University
These models, like all Remington typewriters made from August 1914 through August 1928, use a 2-letter, 5-numeral code. The first letter represents the model of the typewriter (J for the Junior, N for the #1 and #2, or K for the Rem-Blick).
Remington Portable Typewriters by Year then Serial Number
Remington typewriter photos of Remington Portable by year then serial number by date To find out when your typewriter was made using the typewriters serial number, start by choosing the brand from the select box below.
Early Remington models - Machines of Loving Grace
Remington bought the Noiseless typeriter company in 1924, generating a popular line of portables and desktop models. Click here for a table of Remington serial number and manufacturing dates, including data for the entire line of "blind" Remington Standards.
Remington - Typewriter Wiki
2022年6月4日 · Remington, also known as Sholes and Glidden, Sperry-Rand Remington and Remington - Torpedo, was the first group of people to produce a widely marketed and mass-produced type-writing machine. The company grew to be one of the largest manufacturers of typewriters ever.
Remington typewriter photos of Remington 17 by year then …
WORKING Vintage Remington Rand Model 17 Typewriter. Please See All The Pictures! $70.00
Remington 7 Typewriters by Year then Serial Number
Remington Noiseless Model 7 Typewriter Instruction Manual Repro Vtg Crinkle. $12.00
Identifying My Remington Rand Typewriter – myoldtypewriter
2015年3月12日 · Fortunately, there is an online database of serial numbers for typewriters here: http://typewriterdatabase.com/remington.227.typewriter-serial-number-database. With this information, I was able to identify the year and model. I had a 1948 Remington Rand KMC. This typewriter features the KMC key – K eyboard M argin C ontrol.