Red Rider, later known as Tom Cochrane & Red Rider, is a Canadian rock band popular in the 1980s. While they achieved significant success in Canada, the band never had a song in the …
"Lunatic Fringe" is a song by the Canadian rock band Red Rider from their 1981 album, As Far as Siam. Guitarist Tom Cochrane wrote the song after becoming co...
The Red Rider is a 1934 American Western film serial from Universal Pictures and starring Buck Jones. It has 15 chapters based on the short story "The Redhead from Sun Dog" by W. C. …
Lil Red Rider here just doing whatever I do and turning it into video. Sometimes I’m cruising, sometimes I’m wrenching and sometimes I’m just blabbing. So, i...
Thomas William Cochrane OC OM (/ ˈ k ɒ k r ə n / KOK-rən; born May 14, 1953) is a Canadian singer-songwriter and musician best known as the frontman for the rock band Red Rider and …