300,000 rated orders annually. DoD uses two priority ratings: DX and DO. DX rated programs and their orders are of the highest national defense urgency and are approved by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) or Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF). DO rated orders are of lower priority than DX-rated orders but take precedence over unrated orders.
Defense Priorities & Allocations System (DPAS) - DCMA
DX rating takes priority over a DO rating which takes priority over an unrated order. Rated programs are also given a program identifier symbol. Examples are A1 for Aircraft and A3 for ships.
11.603 Procedures. - Acquisition.GOV
2025年1月17日 · (a) There are two levels of priority for rated orders established by the DPAS, identified by the rating symbols "DO" and "DX". All DO rated orders have equal priority with each other and take preference over unrated orders.
Subpart 11.6 - Priorities and Allocations - Acquisition.GOV
2025年1月17日 · (a) There are two levels of priority for rated orders established by the DPAS, identified by the rating symbols "DO" and "DX". All DO rated orders have equal priority with each other and take preference over unrated orders.
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rated orders must be given production preference over unrated (commercial) orders, and DX rated orders must be given preference over DO-rated orders and unrated orders. In accordance with DoD 4400.1-M, "Department of Defense Priorities and Allocations Manual”,
DoD issues approximately 300,000 rated orders annually. DoD uses two priority ratings: DX and DO. DX rated programs and their orders are of the highest national defense urgency and are approved by the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) or Deputy Secretary of Defense (DEPSECDEF). DO rated orders are of lower priority than DX-rated orders but
The DPAS establishes two levels of priority rating – “DO” and “DX”. When circumstances arise in which there are competing requirements at one or more vendors for a limited industrial resource, Special Priorities Assistance (SPA) is the more appropriate mechanism to use vs. DX.
This is a rated order certified for national defense use, and you are required to follow all the provisions of the Defense Priorities and Allocations System regulation (15 CFR Part 700).
700.3 Priority ratings and rated orders. (a) Rated orders are identified by a priority rating consisting of the rating - either DX or DO - and a program identification symbol. Rated orders take preference over all unrated orders as necessary to meet required delivery dates. Among rated orders, DX rated orders take preference over DO rated orders.
2018年12月11日 · DLI.1.6. Delivery Data. The date on a rated order specifying when materials, services, etc., will be delivered.