Healthy and responsible food from Raisio | Raisio - Front page
2025年1月30日 · At Raisio, we make food from the heart, with the aim of bringing health to ourselves and the Earth. We keep creating better plant-based and heart-healthy products so that eating healthily and within the Earth’s ecological capacity can be a pleasure. Our strong brands turn our ambitions into reality.
About us - Raisio
At Raisio, we make food from the heart, with the aim of bringing health to ourselves and the Earth. We keep creating better plant-based and heart-healthy products so that eating healthily and within the Earth’s ecological capacity can be a pleasure.
Can creativity be measured, managed, and thus grow business?
In 2024, the research has focused on creativity surveys and fieldwork in the form of qualitative observations and interviews at Raisio among other partner companies. Looking forward to year 2025: we are excited to receive the first results from the organizational creativity surveys in March.
Strategy | Raisio - About us
Raisio’s main goal during the strategy period is to grow based on the new capabilities, increased capacity and new product categories. Raisio’s Healthy Growth Strategy is based on three focus areas
Outlook and financial targets | Raisio - Investors
2024年2月12日 · Raisio’s updated financial targets for the strategy period 2022‒2025. Raisio continues to systematically promote its strategic focus areas but abandons the growth and profitability targets, published in December 2022, for the period ending in 2025.
Shareholders | Raisio - Investors
Information about Raisio's shareholders. View the major shareholders and ownership structure by using our interactive tool.
Sustainable Food Chain | Raisio - Responsibility
Sustainable raw materials and the commitment of the supply chain to Raisio’s Supplier Code of Conduct promote the responsibility of the whole food chain.
Supervisory Board | Raisio - Corporate Governance
The Supervisory Board supervises the corporate administration run by the Board and CEO and gives the AGM a statement on the financial statements and auditor’s report. Chairman of the Supervisory Board has the right to be present and to speak at the meetings of Raisio plc’s Board and its committees.
Sadon 2024 lajikekohtaista laatutietoa koostettuna - Raisio
2024年12月31日 · Raisio tekee myllyviljojen lisäksi viljelysopimuksia sekä härkäpavusta että mallasohrasta. Mallasohralajikkeina ovat uutuuslajike Brienne, sekä vanhat...
Ruuan turvallisuus on ykkösasia - Raisio
2024年12月18日 · Elintarviketurvallisuuteen vaikuttavat ja siitä ovat vastuussa kaikki ruokaketjun toimijat. Viime kädessä kuitenkin elintarvikkeen valmistaja vastaa tuotteen laadusta ja turvallisuudesta. Ruuan maku, laatu ja turvallisuus ovat meille raisiolaisille kunnia-asia. Tuotteen laadulle asettavat vaatimuksia kuluttajat, tuotteita käyttävät teollisuusasiakkaat niin kotimaassa …