Ragdoll Mix? | TheCatSite
2018年1月2日 · Lovely little pointed kitten. I wouldn't say Ragdoll because from this angle there isn't enough fluff. Do you have more photos? All pointed cats can trace back to a Siamese ancestor which is the original source of the pointed Gene. The pointed Gene gives a cat blue eyes and a coat color that is heat sensitive.
Ragdoll/Siamese mix | TheCatSite
2012年11月8日 · He has the most marvellous personality I have ever seen in a cat. He is 3 years old now, and he is beautiful, loving, caring and very compassionate. He and my other cat get along famously, mostly because he himself is so easy going. He has the beauty of a Siamese cat, with the wonderful personality of a ragdoll. In my opinion, a good mix.
Siamese/ragdoll mix? What characteristics should I look for?
2016年2月17日 · We've had our Boba cat for a month now. The lady who we got him from said he was born mid-November but gave us no more information. So we think he is a little over 13 weeks. I've scoured the internet trying to find out if he has any distinguishable breeds in his ancestry, only because he has...
Snowshoe/ragdoll Mix? | TheCatSite
2018年5月20日 · Hi guys! I'm very new to the site, just started today. My husband and I have a 6 year old kitty name Fozzy who we think is a Snowshoe/Ragdoll mix but we have no way of knowing because we found him outside as a kitten. No mama around or owner to claim him so we took him home. Every since we've always wondered what his mix is.
Black Ragdoll? or Norwegian Forest Cat? or Mix Breed?
2015年1月12日 · be accepted. Adding a new colour or a new patern to the Ragdoll like solid black, has proven to change the genetic to the point that its fur, hair texture, the chin and the cheeks would be altered. The eyes of the Ragdoll must be blue. A black Ragdoll or a Ragdoll that has a different eye colour or odd-colour is not a pure bred Ragdoll.
Advice on a 12 week old Ragdoll x Bengal Mix kitten
2015年9月18日 · Hi, I have a beautiful bengal/ragdoll mix kitten, her name is Nala. As well as being beautiful, she incredibly mischievous and naughty! She climbs EVERYTHING including my legs and is very very smart. Has anyone had a mix of this type before? I understand the Bengal and Ragdoll breeds couldn't be any more different.
Can my cat be a himalayan/ragdoll mix? | TheCatSite
2015年9月28日 · Hey guys! So I'm new on this site, and I decided to start off my new post by knowing what exact breed my cat is. So, I got Blu from a Himalayan/Persian breeder but in her description of Blu's picture at 6 weeks old, she said he was a Ragdoll. Anyways, I got him from her at 8 weeks (I attached...
Ragdoll, Birman, Mix, Other...? - TheCatSite.com
2018年2月11日 · The cat also doesn’t resemble a Birman much, imo. OPs cat does share traits with BYB Ragdolls I’ve seen that don’t follow type too well, but without any papers, hard to say much of anything with a seal point longhair, they’re not …
Ragdoll siamese lynx point mix? | TheCatSite
2020年4月19日 · Hi! i just adopted this 8 week old kitten and she was listed as a ragdoll siamese mix but she was free! she does have white mits on her back paws but they only cover two toes. let me know if you think shes a ragdoll siamese mix! i am just curious because i love her regardless! View attachment 330794 View attachment 330795 View attachment 330803
Ragdoll, snowshoe or Siamese mix? Help please! | TheCatSite
2016年12月8日 · Apollo looks like a Ragdoll mix, IMO, but the girl looks more Siamese/Balinese :dk:. Very mysterious! Yes, the daddy cat was red or cream, almost certainly pointed, probably longhaired. The mother, being calico, could pass on either red or dark, so Athena got the red and Apollo got the dark.