RAD23B Gene - GeneCards | RD23B Protein | RD23B Antibody
Dec 25, 2024 · RAD23B (RAD23 Homolog B, Nucleotide Excision Repair Protein) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with RAD23B include Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group C and Xeroderma Pigmentosum, Variant Type. Among its related pathways are Transcription-Coupled Nucleotide Excision Repair (TC-NER) and DNA repair pathways, full network.
RAD23B - Wikipedia
The complex of XPC-RAD23B is the initial damage recognition factor in global genomic nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER). XPC-RAD23B recognizes a wide variety of lesions that thermodynamically destabilize DNA duplexes, including UV-induced photoproducts (cyclopyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts ), adducts formed by environmental mutagens ...
RAD23B RAD23 homolog B, nucleotide excision repair protein
Deubiquitinase PSMD7 promotes the proliferation, invasion, and cisplatin resistance of gastric cancer cells by stabilizing RAD23B. Cytoplasmic RAD23B interacts with CORO1C to synergistically promote colorectal cancer progression and metastasis. Upregulation of GRIM-19 augments the sensitivity of prostate cancer cells to docetaxel by targeting ...
The moonlighting of RAD23 in DNA repair and protein degradation
Jun 1, 2023 · In this function, RAD23 activates the proteolytic activity of the proteasome and engages specifically in well-characterized degradation pathways through direct interactions with E3 ubiquitin-protein ligases and other UPS components. Here, we summarize the past 40 years of research into the roles of RAD23 in NER and the UPS. 1. Introduction.
Nature:重大进展!揭示蛋白酶体在遭受应激时的相分离机制 - 华 …
May 12, 2020 · 他们鉴定出蛋白酶体的底物穿梭因子RAD23B是诱导泛素化蛋白以及蛋白酶体发生液-液相分离(LLPS)的关键分子。 RAD23B具有两个典型的泛素结合结构域(UBA)和一个蛋白酶体结合结构域(UBL)。 他们在体外成功地重组了含有RAD23B和泛素的液滴,并表明RAD23B的UBA结构域和较长的聚泛素链之间的弱多价相互作用驱动了同相分离(co-phase separation)。 由此可见,RAD23B通过UBA结构域收集细胞泛素化蛋白从而形成液滴,然后 …
研究人员发现了泛素-蛋白酶体系统降解蛋白质的新模式 - 知乎
课题组发现蛋白酶体底物穿梭因子rad23b是诱导llps泛素化的关键分子和蛋白酶体。 RAD23B有两个典型的泛素结合域(UBA)和一个蛋白酶体结合域(UBL)。 该团队在体外成功重组了含有RAD23B和泛素的微滴,发现RAD23B UBA结构域和长链泛素的多价相互作用驱动共相分离。
The ubiquitin receptor Rad23: at the crossroads of nucleotide ... - PubMed
Apr 5, 2009 · Rad23, which was originally identified as an important factor involved in the recognition of DNA lesions, also plays a central role in targeting ubiquitylated proteins for proteasomal degradation, an activity that it shares with …
RAD23B RAD23 homolog B, nucleotide excision repair protein [Homo ...
Dec 10, 2024 · Title: Deubiquitinase PSMD7 promotes the proliferation, invasion, and cisplatin resistance of gastric cancer cells by stabilizing RAD23B. Cytoplasmic RAD23B interacts with CORO1C to synergistically promote colorectal cancer progression and metastasis.
Cytoplasmic RAD23B interacts with CORO1C to synergistically …
Sep 28, 2021 · RAD23B, human homologue of yeast UV excision repair protein, may be a histological marker for colorectal cancer progression. The elevated expression levels of RAD23B correlates with poor patient outcome in advanced colorectal cancer.
RAD23 同系物 B,核苷酸切除修复蛋白(RAD23B)基因 | MCE
由该基因编码的蛋白质是酿酒酵母 Rad23 的两个人类同系物之一,这是一种参与核苷酸切除修复 (NER) 的蛋白质。 发现该蛋白质是蛋白质复合物的一个组分,该蛋白质复合物在体外特异性补充着色性干皮病 C 组 (XP-c) 细胞提取物的 NER 缺陷。 该蛋白质还显示与 3-甲基腺嘌呤-DNA 糖基化酶 (MPG) 相互作用并提高其核苷酸切除活性,这表明在碱基切除修复中的 DNA 损伤识别中发挥作用。 该蛋白含有一个 N 端泛素样结构域,据报道该结构域与 26S 蛋白酶体相互作用,因此该 …