约 1,900,000 个结果
Prehn’s Sign: What Is It, Associated Conditions - Osmosis
2025年1月6日 · Prehn's sign is a clinical finding that helps clinicians determine whether testicular pain is caused by epididymitis or testicular torsion. A positive Prehn's sign, characterized by pain relief from the maneuver, is indicative of …
Prehn's sign - Wikipedia
The importance of the cremasteric reflex in acute scrotal swelling …
Multiple solutions of the Ambrosetti–Rabinowitz problem
An index for assessing the rare species of a community
Explain the explanation of the Rabinowitsch trick
Rabinowitz Floer Homology: A Survey - SpringerLink
On the hypotheses of Rabinowitz' periodic orbit theorems
fa.functional analysis - Crandall & Rabinowitz Theorem, bifurcation ...
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