RAB27B Gene - GeneCards | RB27B Protein | RB27B Antibody
2024年12月25日 · RAB27B (RAB27B, Member RAS Oncogene Family) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with RAB27B include Griscelli Syndrome and Piebald Trait. Among its related pathways are Response to elevated platelet …
Rab27a and Rab27b control different steps of the exosome
2009年12月6日 · The small GTPases Rab27a and Rab27b and their effectors, Slp4 and Slac2b, control exosome secretion at different steps by regulating the peripheral localization, retention and docking of exosomal...
Cell Rep丨Rab家族蛋白参与外泌体从上皮细胞顶端或基底外侧质膜 …
2022年6月6日 · 然而,最近的一项研究表明,Rab27A/B-双敲除 (Rab27-DKO) 仅部分阻断了骨髓来源的树突状细胞的外泌体释放,表明Rab27不是Rab家族成员中驱动MVB转运至质膜的唯一执行者。 该研究团队曾报道了极化的上皮细胞系Madin-Darby犬肾 (MDCK) 细胞不对称地释放两种不同类型的外泌体,一种来自顶端质膜,另一种来自基底外侧质膜(分别称为顶端外泌体和基底外侧外泌体)。 研究发现,这些外泌体具有不同的蛋白质组成,并且很可能是由不同的 MVB 通过不 …
Rab27b, a Regulator of Exosome Secretion, Is Associated With
Results: Rab27a and Rab27b knockdown in 58As9 cells decreased the secretion of exosomes, characterized by the endocytic marker CD63. Rab27b knockdown decreased PM in vivo without affecting the in vitro proliferation or invasion ability of 58As9 cells. In human GC tissues, Rab27b was overexpressed in tumor cells.
RAB27B-regulated exosomes mediate LSC maintenance via
2023年11月30日 · Here, we found that RAB27B, a gene regulating exosome secretion, was overexpressed in LSCs and associated with the poor prognosis of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients. The increased RAB27B...
Rab27a and Rab27b control different steps of the exosome …
Using an RNA interference (RNAi) screen, we identified five Rab GTPases that promote exosome secretion in HeLa cells. Among these, Rab27a and Rab27b were found to function in MVE docking at the plasma membrane.
RAB27B调控急性髓系白血病的新机制 - 健康界
2024年1月4日 · 华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院刘凌波教授团队等人在leukemia发表了题为“RAB27B-regulated exosomes mediate LSC maintenance via resistance to senescence and crosstalk with the microenvironment”的文章。 本研究发现了RAB27B,一种调节外泌体释放的分子,其在AML干细胞中表达明显上调,并且通过调节AML干细胞衰老抵抗及其与骨髓MSC通话关系来促进LSC干性维持。 因此,RAB27B可能作为AML患者治疗的新靶点。 研究结果.
Rab27b Is Expressed in a Wide Range of Exocytic Cells and …
Rab proteins regulate multiple, complex processes of membrane traffic. Among these proteins, Rab27a has been shown to function specifically in regulated exocytic pathways. However, the roles of Rab27b, another Rab27 subfamily member, have not been ...
RAB27B inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis of
RAB27B is a member of Ras-like small GTPases that plays a role in endocytosis, exocytosis, and vesicle trafficking. We made an attempt to study the impacts of RAB27B on the proliferation and apoptosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells. The silencing of RAB27B was induced by siRNA for the detecti …
RAB27B,成员 RAS 致癌基因家族(RAB27B)基因 | MCE
RAB27B,成员 RAS 致癌基因家族: Rab 蛋白家族的成员,包括 RAB27B,是参与囊泡融合和运输的异戊二烯化膜结合蛋白 (Chen 等人,1997 [PubMed 9066979]) 。[OMIM 提供,2010 年 11 月]