Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) • LITFL • CCC Airway
Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is an airway management technique that produces inducing immediate unresponsiveness (induction agent) and muscular relaxation (neuromuscular blocking agent) and is the fastest and most effective means of controlling the emergency airway
Rapid sequence induction - Wikipedia
In anaesthesia and advanced airway management, rapid sequence induction (RSI) – also referred to as rapid sequence intubation or as rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII) or as crash induction [1] – is a special process for endotracheal intubation that is used where the patient is at a high risk of pulmonary aspiration.
RSI Intubation for Nurses: Rapid Sequence Intubation
RSI, or Rapid sequence intubation, is the process of intubating people in the hospital, pre-hospital, and emergency department settings when the patient is awake. It involves multiple different steps that need to occur to quick succession, to provide first sedation, then paralysis, then insertion of the endotracheal tube into the trachea.
What Drugs Are Used in Rapid Sequence Intubation? - MedicineNet
Drugs used in rapid sequence intubation (RSI) include potent anesthetic agents (propofol, ketamine, etc.), muscle relaxants or paralytic agents, and pharmacological adjuncts (fentanyl, lidocaine, etc.).
Tracheal Rapid Sequence Intubation - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2022年10月10日 · RSI is indicated for a patient in acute respiratory failure due to poor oxygenation or ventilation and for a patient who cannot protect their airway due to altered mental status. RSI may also be used in a patient with an acute upper gastrointestinal bleed with a high risk of aspiration.
Rapid Sequence Intubation: Basics for Medical Students - EMRA
2016年9月22日 · The concept of RSI is that the patient is sedated and paralyzed in order to allow for intubation without the application of artificial breaths via a bag valve mask (BVM).
Rapid sequence intubation - WikEM
2015年4月1日 · Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is an airway management technique that produces immediate anesthesia via an induction agent as well as rapid paralysis via a neuromuscular blocking agent. Premedication
Rapid sequence intubation in adults for emergency medicine ... - UpToDate
2024年7月9日 · Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is the preferred method for securing the airway in the critically ill or injured patient. RSI involves the administration of an anesthetic induction agent followed quickly by a neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA) to create optimal intubating conditions and minimize the duration of patient apnea and the time the ...
Guidelines for Rapid Sequence Intubation in the Critically Ill Adult ...
2023年9月13日 · RATIONALE: Controversies and practice variations exist related to the pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic management of the airway during rapid sequence intubation (RSI). OBJECTIVES: Develop evidence-based recommendations on pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic topics related to RSI
RSI is the virtually simultaneous administration of a sedative and a neuromuscular blocking agent to render a patient rapidly unconscious and flaccid in order to facilitate emergency endotracheal intubation and to minimize the risk of aspiration.