Expanders - Fivestar Ortho
The Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE) is a popular orthopedic appliance used to separate the mid palatal suture. Rapid expansion is obtained over a two to three week period by means of turning the expansion screw once a day.
Adjustment Videos - Fivestar Ortho
Intro to Orthopedic Appliances 2:23. Orthopedic Appliance Gear Adjustment 2:53. Labial Bow Adjustment ... RPE Activation 0:52. Rickonator 1:56. Barrel Fixed 3 Way 3:06. CD Distalizer 2:27. McKenzie Gauge 4:03. Adjusting Crozats. Subscribe & Follow us. Subscribe & Get More Information. Subscribe to Five Star Orthodontic Lab and Supply for a ...
Video Library - Fivestar Ortho
Check out these how-to videos to learn more about products, adjustments and ways to use appliances within your practice. Class 2 & 3 Elastics ALF Adjustment FS Memory 3-Way Adjusting Crozats. Check out the full Product Feature Playlist. Watch More Meet The Team
Distalizers - Fivestar Ortho
Five Star’s most prescribed combination distal-driving, transverse development appliance. Doctors love the durability and reliability of the Barrel Fixed 3-Way. Blocked out cuspids, arch length loss, and the classic “V” shaped arch are common in the orthodontic office.
Class III & Sagittals - Fivestar Ortho
In Class III patients with midfacial deficiencies, the fixed Tandem appliance is the clinicians’ preferred alternative to a facemask in Class III correction. The Tandem can be added to nearly every fixed or removable appliance. The Tandem Bow is removable and worn usually as a …
Habit Appliances - Fivestar Ortho
This habit appliance treats both tongue thrust and finger habit situations. It features a bead lingual to the anterior teeth to remind the patient to posture the tip of their tongue close to the incisive papilla. It is also designed with horizontal sheaths for easy removal and adjustment.
Memory Gear Expanders - Fivestar Ortho
The Memory Gear Expander series features two different types of appliances, the Adjustable Memory Gear and the Self-Activating Memory Gear. They both look like a RPE or Hyrax expander with the addition of Nickel Titanium MEMORIA® leaf springs.
Five Star Orthodontic - Fivestar Ortho
Five Star is your one-stop destination for all things ortho. We provide the highest quality orthodontic services on the market including 3D printed appliances, clear aligners, automated wire bending, a full line of orthodontic supplies, diagnostic services, and much more!
Five Star Presents : The Memory Gear Expanders - Fivestar Ortho
After 2 months has passed, you can re-activate the gear for additional expansion by turning the gear like you would a normal RPE. Each turn on a memory gear expander is .1 mm, which means for every 10 activations you will load the appliance 1mm.
3D Printed Appliances - Fivestar Ortho
2928 Metro Street Suite 102 Denton, TX 76207; Phone: (940) 898-9900; Fax: (940) 898-1400; Mon - Fri : 9:00AM to 5:00PM