standards - What are RFC's? - Stack Overflow
Jul 9, 2014 · Wikipedia gives a good description of what [RFC] is about but in a nutshell it is a set of recommendation from the Internet Engineering Task Force applicable to the working of the Internet and Internet-connected systems. They are used as the standards.
¿Cómo validar un RFC de México y su digito verificador?
Nov 5, 2016 · Un RFC es válido si y solo si cumple las siguientes 7 condiciones: El RFC debe tener exactamente 12 o 13 carácteres (12 para personas morales y 13 para personas físicas). Es posible que nuestra interfaz de usuario permita introducir guiones, espacios u …
What's the difference between ISO 8601 and RFC 3339 Date …
Pretty much, yes - RFC 3339 is listed as a profile of ISO 8601. The RFC also has some small, subtle differences. For example truncated representations of years with only two digits are not allowed -- RFC 3339 requires 4-digit years, and the RFC only allows a period character to be used as the decimal point for fractional seconds.
How to write and propose an RFC? - Stack Overflow
Jan 4, 2020 · The responses by Jörg W Mittag and Darin Dimitrov are perfectly correct but they forget to add that writing a RFC and having it adopted is a long process which requires time, dedication, a hard technical work and a lot of social interactions.
Custom HTTP headers : naming conventions - Stack Overflow
Aug 25, 2010 · In fact, RFC-6648 et al help bolster the case for use of an "X-" prefix, because -- as vendors of HTTP clients and servers abandon the prefix -- your app-specific, private-API, personal-data-passing-mechanism is becoming even better-insulated against name-space collisions with the small number of official reserved header names.
What is the RFC 822 format for the email addresses?
According to RFC 822, the local part may contain any ASCII character, since local-part is defined using word, which is defined as atom / quoted-string; atom covers most ASCII characters, and the rest can be written in a quoted-string. There are syntactic restrictions, but obeying them, any ASCII character can be used.
Convert datetime to RFC 3339 - Stack Overflow
Mar 10, 2014 · Php Datetime convert to RFC 3339 string date to datetime type. 2. Time RFC3339 format, to timezone. 1.
Generate RFC 3339 timestamp in Python - Stack Overflow
Dec 18, 2011 · On modern (3.x) python, to get RFC 3339 UTC time, all you need to do is use datetime and this single line (no third-party modules necessary): import datetime datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat() The result is something like: '2019-06-13T15:29:28.972488+00:00' This ISO 8601 string is also RFC3339 compatible.
RFC 1123 Date Representation in Python? - Stack Overflow
Nov 6, 1994 · Is there a fairly easy way to convert a datetime object into an RFC 1123 (HTTP/1.1) date/time string, i.e. a string with the format Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT Using strftime does not work, sin...
What MIME type should I use for CSV? - Stack Overflow
Aug 16, 2011 · RFC 4180 makes sure that the extension should be .csv. Nevertheless a you might know, it's not a strict requirement. You can break the implementation of the RFC 4180, but personally I would not do that, because it is disturbing the readability of the application.