Risk Based Data Management Solutions by GWPC
The GWPC's award-winning Risk Based Data Management System (RBDMS) Initiative provides analytical tools for overseeing source water protection; oil, gas, and water production and Underground Injection Control (UIC) program activities including hydraulic fracturing operations; and mined lands remediation.
RBDMS Core - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
The core RBDMS software application has been developed through decades of collaboration between GWPC and the states utilizing it. Rooted in over 20 years of innovation, RBDMS Core has adapted to the ever-changing needs of regulatory agencies.
RBDMS Products - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
The RBDMS suite of products provide tools for all aspects of managing regulatory data related to oil, gas, underground injection control (UIC), water, and associated environmental data.
About RBDMS - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
RBDMS (Risk Based Data Management System) is a suite of integrated software products that assists state agencies in the regulating, oversight and management of oil, gas and Underground Injection Control (UIC) facilities and activities.
WellFinder - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
RBDMS WellFinder is a free mobile application (iOS & Android) that is available for use by anyone who chooses to download the application. It is also now available as a web application: https://wellfinder.net/
Oil & Gas Data - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
RBDMS WellFinder is a free, publicly-available mobile application that displays high-level information regarding nearby oil, gas, and injection wells. It also includes links back to individual state websites for more detailed information about a particular well.
What is RBDMS? • A suite of integrated software products that assists regulatory agencies in the effective regulation, oversight and management of oil, natural gas and underground injection control (UIC) facilities and activities. • Developed by the GWPC in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy.
Capabilities | Risk Based Data Management Solutions - rbdms.org
RBDMS Core provides decades of experience and tools for managing UIC programs. RBDMS Core capabilities include special requirements during permitting and construction to inspection and compliance information to injection reporting.
Explorer - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
RBDMS Explorer (previously known as Data Miner) integrates agency oil and gas data, GIS, and full-text searching in a public-facing website. When a user searches for information, it is displayed in a data grid and on an interactive web map.
WaterSTAR - Risk Based Data Management Solutions
WaterSTAR, formally RBDMS Environmental, is a set of tools for managing laboratory analytical and field data for all environmental matrices For the Agency: Electronically receives laboratory – eliminates data entry.