ALT://R2D1 - Official GTFO Wiki
ALT://R2D1 is the eighth expedition in ALT://Rundown 2. This expedition introduces the Activate Generator Cluster objective, which is essentially the inverse of the Distribute Power Cells objective in that the cells must be retrieved from various Zones, and the Generators themselves are in a central location.
强化剂其实挺多都有用的,补给套打后期必备,激素套适合有身法喜欢潜行的玩家(满激素打黑触、黑刺、卡莎都很好用,尤其是r7c3),解毒只留个特效+99就可以,一般1~2个人带就足够,工具套装可以适当带一带,伤害也是属于可带可不带,别的基本就没啥用了,不过有一点要说的是有一些强化剂是老版本地图才有的,现在已经刷不出来了,所以基本就是看有啥带啥了。 补给和胶枪效率好像最高叠到99%,常见的一般有补给套,可以大大减缓队伍资源压力。 还有三激素 …
一些关于通r2的经验分享吧,不喜欢的当没看到。【gtfo吧】_百度 …
r2d1 云雾仙境,全图基本都是雾。 任务目标就是找五个电池,插到一个机器那里。 这关电池会多余,所以路线的选择上就需要规划。有一个需要插电池开的门就不用考虑了,其余门里面的电池也完全够用。还是开局定位电池,然后规划路线。除雾机需要节约使用。
《GTFO》新手向攻略—R2篇 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年3月24日 · R2D1. 工具推荐: SentryGun*2+Bio Tracker+绊雷. 主要: 找到5个cell并将其插入中央发电机集群. 流程: 1.进入Zone606(IV级门)以 获取Cell并插入中央发电机集群 (降雾) 2.进入Zone609(V级门)并肃清区域. 3.使用Terminal确 认其中之一的Cell区域信息--Zone611/613 (只有这个Cell随机刷在这两个 ...
【GTFO】R2D1通关流程 - 哔哩哔哩
【GTFO】R2D1通关流程, 视频播放量 65、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 冰牛奶里加糯米, 作者简介 I’m Getting Too Old For This Nonsense.,相关视频:[GTFO] 这b游戏目前争议最大的几个MOD Vol.01,玩机器看CS导播逆天闪屏操作当场秒懂:这个也太变态了吧!
R2D1 is a nightmare : r/GTFO - Reddit
2023年1月22日 · I've been playing the game for a couple weeks now, trying to finish the Expeditions in order they were released, until I got to R2D1. The amount of Infection fog in this level is fucking insane, nothing compared to anything I've played so far.
R2-D1 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R2-D1 was an R2-series astromech droid. Queen Amidala's royal starship held a complement of droids, one of which was R2-D1. [1] Various sources indicate the six droids onboard the Royal Starship in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace were R2-D2, R2-B1, R2-R9, R2-N3, R2-M5, and G8-R3. [2] .
GTFO - A Full ALT:R2 R2D1 Guide - YouTube
A full detail info on level ALT:R2 R2D1 Statistics, it contains most of the data you need to know about the level.INTRO (0:00)ZONE 605 (0:32)SET UP ALARM SEC...
R2D1 and R2C2 :: GTFO General Discussions - Steam Community
2024年4月27日 · R2D1 is a test of patience. I did it with bots too and yes - it is a viable tactic to hoard Disinfection Packs and just tank the fog while you're searching for the cells. Another option is bringing max infection resist boosters to bypass the fog completely. Otherwise - it's just a level like any other, unlike the C2.
R2D1 full walkthrough : r/GTFO - Reddit
2020年4月17日 · A subreddit dedicated to the discussion and fanbase of the game GTFO, developed by Ten Chambers.