McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II - Wikipedia
The F-4 Phantom is a tandem-seat fighter-bomber designed as a carrier-based interceptor to fill the U.S. Navy's fleet defense fighter role. Innovations in the F-4 included use of pulse-doppler radar (only on late variants such as the F-4F) and extensive use of titanium in its airframe. [55]
Illuminating History: F-4 Phantom II Restoration
2020年6月9日 · An RF-4C Phantom II aircraft sits near the flight line at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, June 4, 2020. The RF-4C was a tactical reconnaissance aircraft used by the U.S. Air Force from the Cold War to the Vietnam War and up until Operation Desert Storm. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class John R. Wright)
List of McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II variants - Wikipedia
Two-seat all-weather tactical fighter, ground-attack version for the United States Air Force; supported a wide spectrum of weapons including AIM-4 Falcon, AGM-12 Bullpup, and nuclear weapons; wider main wheel tires resulted in distinctive wing bulges; J79-GE-15 engines with provision for cartridge start; boom refueling instead of Navy's probe an...
McDonnell Douglas RF-4 Phantom II - Military Factory
2024年12月3日 · "The McDonnell Douglas RF-4 Phantom II was a tactical reconnaissance conversion of the existing F-4 Phantom II fighter line."
俄罗斯钓鱼4游戏的钓鱼统计数据 | 鱼获 - RF4-STAT
在《俄罗斯钓鱼 4》游戏中使用所选参数捕获的记录鱼列表: 采样期间: 1 天
F-4B - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰少女R百科
一些F-4B加装了摄像枪、侧视雷达与红外侦察吊舱,利用高空高速性能执行侦察任务,这些侦察型号称为RF-4B。 另有12架F-4B装备了AN/ASW-21双向数据链套件,在1963年首飞,可在着舰自动进近时自动控制油门,它们被命名为F-4G并进行了测试,随后拆除了该系统重归F-4B型号,F-4G这一型号最后被用于F-4E改装而来的反辐射专用机“野鼬鼠II”。 1962年9月,美国新上任的国防部长麦克纳马拉为了精简预算,意图统一空军和海军的战斗机。 海军的F-4B“鬼怪II”与空军 …
Mv Agusta F4 Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Mv Agusta F4 motorcycles from local Mv Agusta dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Mv Agusta motorcycles on Cycle Trader. <p>This absolutely stunning F4 shows like brand new. One owner bike that was purchased new at GP Motorcycles.
中画幅广角大将 富士GF23/4测评_器材_色影无忌 - 无忌器材
2017年6月27日 · 这次笔者又拿到了GF23mmF4 R LM WR这支广角定焦,看看它的实际表现究竟如何。 首先我们还是来看看它的详细参数信息: 作为目前最广的富士中画幅GF镜头,23mm F4具备了以下特点: 1 高成像画质. 2 具备了全天候的防水防尘性能. 3 配备了Nano GI镀膜. 外观设计. GF23mmF4 R LM WR做工非常良好,整体的设计风格与63mm F2.8基本一致。 镜头采用的金属材料手感优秀,虽然标有800多克的重量,但拿在手里并不感觉太重。 与GFX机身搭配比较协 …
富士GF 45-100/4 R LM OIS WR网友点评 - xitek.com
这款新镜头将成为GF系列变焦镜头组中间力量,它专为GFX中画幅相机系统而设计,涵盖了摄影师常用的一些焦距。 GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR镜头可提供相当于35mm格式的36mm和79mm的焦距范围,最大光圈为F4,该镜头与其他两个GF变焦镜头GF32-64mmF4 R LM WR和GF100-200mmF5.6 ...(详细内容) 实用焦段,画质堪比定焦,防抖很强大,1/15秒拍摄都没问题,个人认为可以替代定焦45, 50,63。 画质和发抖一流水准。 健身器材,个头还是大了 …
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