syntax - What does %>% function mean in R? - Stack Overflow
Update 2 R has defined a |> pipe. Unlike magrittr's %>% it can only substitute into the first argument of the right hand side. Although limited, it works via syntax transformation so it has no performance impact. As of R v4.1.0, |>, is included in base-R and being advocated by the Tidyverse in place of %>% for most use cases. See R for Data ...
Introducing localized posts! We are experimenting with translating some r/reddit posts into different languages and linking them here. We hope to expand language selections over time, so please stay tuned for updates if your preferred language is not currently available. Posts. The Community Funds application is open!
r/canada - Reddit
Welcome to Canada’s official subreddit! This is the place to engage on all things Canada. Nous parlons en anglais et en français. Please be respectful of each other when posting, and note that users new to the subreddit might experience posting limitations until they become more active and longer members of the community. Do not hesitate to message the mods if you experience …
NFL: National Football League Discussion - Reddit
Full Rule Here. If it's related to the NFL, but not about the NFL (such as streams, betting-related posts, video games, Fantasy Football, College Football, or NFL-related jokes), please check the sidebar.
/r/premed - Reddit
In order to help reduce spam on our subreddit, users must have at least 10 comment karma in order to participate on r/premed, and all accounts must be at least 72 hours old. To gain karma, post comments on other subreddits and gain upvotes. Check out r/Karma4Free if …
r - Replace specific characters within strings - Stack Overflow
fixed=TRUE prevents R from using regular expressions, which allow more flexible pattern matching but take time to compute. If all that's needed is removing a single constant string "e", they aren't necessary. –
r/whenthe - Reddit
r/whenthe: The funny moving pictures with text subreddit (REIMAGINED) 😔
World News - Reddit
r/worldnews is for news, rather than analysis. There are several subreddits listed at the top of the page that are good for this. If the writer injects his/her opinion in the article or tries to draw any conclusion about a set of events, then it is no longer straight …
Nothing Under - Reddit
r/NothingUnder: Dresses and clothing with nothing underneath. Women in outfits perfect for flashing, easy access, and teasing men.
hockey: the best game on earth - Reddit
r/hockey stands with BIPOC, AAPI, and LGBTIQA+. r/hockey aims to be an inclusive environment where people of all races, ethnicities, and identities can come and talk hockey. We will do our best to lift the voices of the hockey community that speak up against racism, sexism, or any other hate by ensuring their posts make it to r/hockey for those ...