Statistical Tools for Quantitative Genetic Analyses • qgg - GitHub …
qgg provides an infrastructure for efficient processing of large-scale genetic and phenotypic data including core functions for: fitting linear mixed models; construction of genomic relationship matrices; estimating genetic parameters (heritability and correlation) genomic prediction; single marker association analysis; gene set enrichment analysis
qgg: an R package for large-scale quantitative genetic analyses
2019年12月27日 · The qgg package provides an infrastructure for analysing large-scale genotype–phenotype data, and contains a range of quantitative genetic modelling approaches for investigating the genetic basis of complex traits and diseases, including a novel prediction approach which improves the accuracy of prediction compared with commonly used methods.
CRAN: Package qgg - The Comprehensive R Archive Network
Provides an infrastructure for efficient processing of large-scale genetic and phenotypic data including core functions for: 1) fitting linear mixed models, 2) constructing marker-based genomic relationship matrices, 3) estimating genetic parameters (heritability and correlation), 4) performing genomic prediction and genetic risk profiling, and ...
R语言:qgg包 - CSDN博客
qgg: an R package for large-scale quantitative genetic analyses
2020年4月15日 · The qgg package provides an infrastructure for efficient processing of large-scale genetic data and functions for estimating genetic parameters, and performing single and multiple marker association analyses and genomic-based predictions of phenotypes.
qgg: Statistical Tools for Quantitative Genetic Analyses
Provides an infrastructure for efficient processing of large-scale genetic and phenotypic data including core functions for: 1) fitting linear mixed models, 2) constructing marker-based genomic relationship matrices, 3) estimating genetic parameters (heritability and correlation), 4) performing genomic prediction and genetic risk profiling, and ...
2024年12月13日 · Provides an infrastructure for eficient processing of large-scale genetic and pheno-typic data including core functions for: 1) fitting linear mixed models, 2) constructing marker-based genomic relationship matrices, 3) estimating genetic parameters (heritability and correla-tion), 4) performing genomic prediction and genetic risk profiling, and...
R语言:qgg包 - 代码先锋网
qgg包提供了一系列基因组特征建模方法,包括基因组特征最佳线性无偏预测(GFBLUP)模型,使用似然或贝叶斯方法。 这些模型可以包含多种特征和多种性状,并可以使用不同的遗传模型(如加性、显性、基因间的遗传和基因间的环境相互作用)。
GitHub - psoerensen/qgg: Statistical tools for Quantitative …
qgg provides an infrastructure for efficient processing of large-scale genetic and phenotypic data including core functions for: fitting linear mixed models; construction of genomic relationship matrices; estimating genetic parameters (heritability and correlation) genomic prediction; single marker association analysis; gene set enrichment analysis
Software - QG Analytics
qgg provides an infrastructure for efficient processing of large-scale genotype and phenotype data, including core functions for: fitting linear mixed models estimating genetic parameters (heritability and correlation)