First 4 Levels, QEWQ vs. QEQW vs. QWEQ (Analysis, LOTS OF TEXT …
2023年6月30日 · In anticipation of these random battles, I almost always QEWQ instead of QEQW, even into junglers with crappy early games like Kayn and Karthus. Furthermore, when Scuttle Crab spawned at 3:15 last season , the faster clear speed from QEQW would mean getting to crab on time vs. getting there a few seconds later , which could easily decide who ...
What is a better combo? Q E W Q or Q E Q W Q? : r/RyzeMains
2022年11月17日 · If you're sure you can land all the Q's (like there's no minions in the way) then Q W Q E Q might be the better option because I find that the slow lasts long enough to guarantee the second Q and the final E Q .
Ryze Combos? : r/RyzeMains - Reddit
2019年7月24日 · EEQ, EWQ, and WEQ all have the movement bonus, and the highest dps combo is QEQWQEQ (no speed bonus though). You should try to use WEQ over EWQ unless you are aiming to root specifically, since the latter does not empower your Q damage. Keep in mind that you can always Q before using E or W to get an immediate reset in the combo like …
Do you QWQEQ or do you QEQWQ : r/RyzeMains - Reddit
2022年12月8日 · QEQWQ is fundamentally correct, as it gives your E time to come back up for QEQWQ AA EQ for increased damage, while W is unlikely to come up twice in that combo until lategame.
What is rengars combo? : r/Rengarmains - Reddit
2023年11月2日 · Full damage (also known as triple q) is starting with full ferocity, you jump (either from Bush or ult) with EMP Q, then use qewq, so overall it's QqewQ. This also works if you don't start with empowered Q (by having 0 stacks at the start) this just reduces your overall damage, in this case you use your normal q in the jump and then the ...
How does the q w e combo work and how do i land it?
2019年12月30日 · 20 votes, 10 comments. 13K subscribers in the AniviaMains community. The chicken or the egg? Actually, we came first.
E-W-Q or Q-E-W? : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
2021年11月9日 · Hello! I'm a beginner at Katarina and I have a question regarding her basic combos. When in lane, is E-W-Q or Q-E-W best?
EWQ vs QEW : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
2018年1月13日 · Qew is much faster, usually used in late game team fights, because if you ewq, you'll disappear before you proc the w dagger, unless you're really fed
When is it ever better to use weq over ewq? I saw strompest
2021年7月30日 · 35K subscribers in the RyzeMains community. A subreddit for all Ryze mains from League of Legends. Feel free to discuss builds, plays, art, etc…
Can You Give Me Example Of Situations Where You Use EWQE
2017年7月22日 · EWQE is also useful for baiting/dodging abilities. If you're against say an Ahri or a Zed, I like to walk up to them if I know this will cause them to use some of their skills to try to harass me, and just instantly E on the far side of them to start the EWQE combo.