Pythagoreanism - Wikipedia
As a philosophic tradition, Pythagoreanism was revived in the 1st century BC, giving rise to Neopythagoreanism. The worship of Pythagoras continued in Italy and as a religious community Pythagoreans appear to have survived as part of, or deeply …
The Origin Story of Pythagoras and His Cult Followers
2022年9月24日 · Pythagoras left no writings, but he did found a sect (or, what some would deem a cult): the Divine Brotherhood of Pythagoras. Its followers are often referred to as simply the Pythagoreans, a secret society dedicated to a combination of scientific and mystical precepts.
What Was Pythagoreanism? The Cult of Pythagoras Explored
2023年4月1日 · Pythagoreanism was a philosophy and a cult based on the beliefs of the famous mathematician Pythagoras. The Pythagoreans worshiped numbers, believed in reincarnation, and practiced vegetarianism.
10 Strange Facts About Pythagoras: Mathematician and Cult ...
2017年4月26日 · They didn’t just call it a philosophy or a religion—they saw it as a cult and a dangerous one at that. Pythagoras scared people. They even burned down his house and chased him out of town, fearing his mystic command over the sacredness of numbers. The Pythagoreans had a sacred symbol called the Tetractys.
Number symbolism - Pythagoreanism, Numerology, Mysticism ...
2025年2月15日 · Number symbolism - Pythagoreanism, Numerology, Mysticism: The earliest known systematic cult based on the rule of numbers was that of the Pythagoreans. Pythagoras was a Greek who thrived in the 6th century bce.
Brotherhood of Pythagoras: Beyond Math, Insights into Ancient ...
2024年7月8日 · Not a Charles Manson-style cult, a cult based on the idea that math was sacred and the key to understanding the universe. The Brotherhood of Pythagoras was a peaceful cult defined by a belief in reincarnation and harmony.
Pythagoreanism | Ancient Greek Philosophy, Mathematics ...
2024年12月27日 · Pythagoreanism, philosophical school and religious brotherhood, believed to have been founded by Pythagoras of Samos, who settled in Croton in southern Italy about 525 bce. The character of the original Pythagoreanism is controversial, and the conglomeration of disparate features that it displayed
The Pythagoreans were like an ascetic religious cult. They believed in reincarnation and conducted purification rituals that attempted to erase wrongs committed in past lives. They were required to follow many rules.
The Teachings of the Cult of Pythagoras: Mysticism, Math, and ...
2025年2月7日 · Discover the secret teachings of the Pythagorean cult—where mathematics, mysticism, and philosophy intertwine. Explore their beliefs in sacred geometry, the harmony of the spheres, reincarnation, and the cosmic order of numbers. Uncover how Pythagoras' hidden wisdom shaped Western thought, science, and spirituality.
Pythagoreanism: The story of Pythagoras and his “irrational” cult
2019年12月6日 · He was the founder of Pythagoreanism, a cult based on the teachings and beliefs held by Pythagoras and his followers, the Pythagoreans. In Croton he became the spiritual leader of a secret...