What is the difference between 'py' and 'python' in the Windows ...
Jun 17, 2018 · Why is there a difference between 'py' and 'python', when I'm using to pip to install modules through the command: python -m pip install [Mod] or py -m pip install [Mod] The modules aren't available when I'm using the Python IDLE. Furthermore, when I'm checking the . sys.path it's different for both 'python' and 'py'.
'py' works but not 'python' in command prompt for windows 10
Sep 17, 2020 · In general, it's best to use the Windows Python Launcher, py.exe anyway, so this is no big deal. Just use py for launching consistently, and stuff will just work. Similarly, if py.exe was associated with the .py extension at installation time, a standard shebang line (details in PEP linked above) will let you run the script without even typing py.
What does [:-1] mean/do in python? - Stack Overflow
Mar 20, 2013 · Working on a python assignment and was curious as to what [:-1] means in the context of the following code: instructions = f.readline()[:-1] Have searched on here on S.O. and on Google but to no a...
windows - In CMD "python" starts Python 3.3, "py" starts Python …
Jan 21, 2014 · On most systems py is configured to launch Python 2.7 by default if present (this is the default except for Python 3.6 and newer, where Python 3 will be run instead). You have two options if you want to change that: Set an environment variable; PY_PYTHON=3 will make py run the latest Python 3 interpreter instead.
How to run a .py file in windows command line? - Stack Overflow
Nov 5, 2013 · I don't have permission to save .py file in python directory (C:\program files\python33) so I saved it to C:\Pyscripts. Also python was already been added to the PATH and I can run a simple print ("Hello") in command line. I have saved this line into a py file and Now I want to run it from command prompt but I have faced different errors!
What does colon equal (:=) in Python mean? - Stack Overflow
Mar 21, 2023 · The code in the question is pseudo-code; there, := represents assignment. For future visitors, though, the following might be more relevant: the next version of Python (3.8) will gain a new operator, :=, allowing assignment expressions (details, motivating examples, and discussion can be found in PEP 572, which was provisionally accepted in late June 2018).
Tkinter IntVar returning PY_VAR0 instead of value
I have a Checkbutton and an IntVar object associated with it, but when I try to get the value of the var, I am receiving PY_VAR0. Here's my code: from tkinter import * root = Tk() def show_state(): print(var) var = IntVar() cbtn = Checkbutton(root, text='Check', variable=var, command=show_state) cbtn.pack() root.mainloop()
How to use Anaconda Python to execute a .py file?
Oct 12, 2016 · this should put you specifically in the file where your .py script is located. now you should try to input the name of your file. (base) C:\my_scripts> test_script.py you may get asked which program to run this with, and simply find python.exe. After doing this process once, I can simply type (in anaconda prompt) test_script.py
startapp with manage.py to create app in another directory
/proj /frontend /server /proj /app1 /app2 manage.py How do I run python manage.py startapp app_name so that my newly created apps are within the /server directory? I tried running django-admin.py startapp appname within the server directory to create the app but I would end up with this error:./manage.py runserver Output:
What does the percentage sign mean in Python [duplicate]
Apr 25, 2017 · The % does two things, depending on its arguments. In this case, it acts as the modulo operator, meaning when its arguments are numbers, it divides the first by the second and returns the remainder.