Which conditions / situations / place / moment is there a purple …
2023年10月16日 · According to this A purple moon? In March 12, 2017 there was a purple moon somewhere , "just risen, color altered red moon". I've seen yellowish, redish moons, but I've …
Why and how the Moon experiences only slight tidal forces
2016年11月8日 · The tidal forces on the Moon due to the Earth are much greater than those on the Earth due to the moon because the Earth is much more massive than the moon. However, …
Why did the moon have a distinct reddish edge tonight?
2017年8月31日 · In Monterey, California, with a "half-moon" high in the sky at about 9 pm (2017-08-30), the moon had a distinct red outline on the outer edge of the NE quadrant; for awhile I …
Why can't moon light (reflected sun light) turn the sky blue?
2016年3月10日 · The more relevant bit of info is that the sun has an apparent magnitude of -26.7 or so, and the moon is -12.6 or so. The difference there, 14 magnitudes, means that the sun is …
What colours can rocky planets (or moons) have
2017年3月16日 · It's an icy-moon that has lost it's surface ice due to being too close to Jupiter's van Allen belt and too close to the sun and it's lost much of it's water due to volcanism. Ceres …
Nodes and declinations of Moon - Astronomy Stack Exchange
2017年7月8日 · The image above (click for full size) shows the moon's path for much of July. The celestial equator is in purple and the ecliptic is in green. Note that: On July 8th (meaning …
astrophysics - How long does lunar opposition surge last? Are …
2021年3月29日 · First is taken by the Yutu rover on the Moon (Chang'e 3 mission) second is a famous image (it's cropped, a reflection in a visor of the photographer, first lunar selfie!) and …
Is oxygen really the most abundant element on the surface of the …
2021年2月11日 · $\begingroup$ Silica is not the most common mineral in the Moon's surface because (1) silica is not a mineral, (2) even if it was a mineral in the form of quartz, there's …
Can asteroids impacting the moon affect (or even endanger) life …
2025年1月28日 · An impact strong enough to shatter the moon would likely cause parts of it to fly off (impacting the earth or changing orbits) which then WOULD change those - but the classic …
How does the Moon look like from different latitudes of the Earth?
2018年1月25日 · The bright limb of the Moon always faces toward the Sun (along a great circle), so the angle of illumination on the Moon changes throughout the day -- just like Stellarium …