Pulotu, meaning abode of the gods, is a database of Austronesian religious beliefs and practices. You will find information on 137 cultures from the Moken of mainland Asia to the Māori of New Zealand.
Pulotu, the proto-Polynesian word for the abode of the gods, is a database of supernatural beliefs and practices across Austronesian cultures. The database includes 137 Austronesian cultures and 63 variables on religion, history, society, and the natural environment.
Pulotu - Culture Bontok
Pulotu. Database of Austronesian Religions. Home; About; Cultures; Compare Cultures; Sources; Glossary; Bontok. The Bontok (also known as Bontoc Igorots) live in and around the town of Bontoc in the Cordillera of Luzon, and speak several closely related languages. Historically they lived in large villages or towns (often called 'pueblos') and ...
Pulotu - Culture Chuuk
Pulotu. Database of Austronesian Religions. Home; About; Cultures; Compare Cultures; Sources; Glossary; Chuuk. Chuuk (or 'Truk') is a complex atoll consisting of a ring of coral islets surrounding a cluster of volcanic high islands. Prior to the adoption of Christianity in the early twentieth century, the Chuukese worshipped a wide array of ...
Pulotu - Culture Sama Dilaut (Tawi-Tawi)
The Sama Dilaut (more often known as the Bajau or Bajau Laut) are one of the ethnic groups of Southeast Asia known as the 'Sea Gypsies'. Linguistically, they are a subset of the Sama ethnic group of the Southern Philippines, most of which are settled and heavily Islamised.
Pulotu - Culture Dobuans
Pulotu. Database of Austronesian Religions. Home; About; Cultures; Compare Cultures; Sources; Glossary; Dobuans. Dobu is a tiny island in the D'Entrecasteaux Archipelago, near the eastern tip of New Guinea. Dobuans are an ethnolinguistic group that is centred upon this island but occupies a much larger area. The anthropologist Reo Fortune ...
Pulotu - Culture Manus (Titan)
Pulotu. Database of Austronesian Religions. Home; About; Cultures; Compare Cultures; Sources; Glossary; Manus (Titan) Manus is the largest of the Admiralty Islands off the northern coast of New Guinea. However, the name Manus is also an ethnonym given to the speakers of the Titan language, a specific group living on and around the southern ...
Pulotu - Culture Kalinga
The Kalinga are one of several large, historically non-Christian groups living in the mountains of northern Luzon. They are grouped together on the grounds of cultural and linguistic similarity rather than common identity - according to Lawless (1993), 'Kalinga' was originally an exonym meaning "enemy".
Pulotu - Culture Tikopia
Pulotu. Database of Austronesian Religions. Home; About; Cultures; Compare Cultures; Sources; Glossary; Tikopia. Tikopia is a small volcanic island located north of Vanuatu and east of the Solomons. It is one of the 'Polynesian outliers', in that its people are clearly Polynesian, but live outside the area usually defined as Polynesia. Tikopia ...
Pulotu - Culture Biak
Pulotu. Database of Austronesian Religions. Home; About; Cultures; Compare Cultures; Sources; Glossary; Biak. The people of the Biak Islands (off the northern coast of western New Guinea) speak one language, known as Biak, Numfor, or Biak-Numfor. Prior to European colonisation in the early 1900s, they were nominal vassals of the Tidore Sultanate.