Does a psa level of 8.5 indicate prostate cancer? - HealthTap
Jun 4, 2019 · Husband age 61 has PSA of 5.8. His younger brother just diagnosed with prostate cancer and having surgery. Is level 5.8 ok or need follow-up? If my prostate biopsy comes back negative for cancer, what would be the next step in finding out why my PSA level was so high? 42M, My PSA level has been slowly rising. My father had prostate cancer.
is an rbc count of 6-8 in urine abnormal? - HealthTap
Nov 2, 2019 · Result of my urine test is 1-2 pus cells and 6-8 rbc , is this considered normal given that i have irregular periods lately due to ovarian cyst? Teenage son-visible blood in his urine. Abnormal Urinalysis Results: 7/14 - RBC urine 418 out of 0-5; 7/16 - RBC/HPF 6-10,Small bacteria, Small Hemoglobin; What these mean? Sonar tomorrow.
what is a normal psa for a 77 year old? - HealthTap
Feb 6, 2021 · BPH PSA : Normal psa is usually below 4.0 prostate enlarges with age, so psa is proporionate to prostste size. So, psa of 8.0 might be normal for 77 years old. 'dis-proportionate' psa, way too high, can mean prostate cancer. Fyi: as per current protocol & guidelines, we do not do psa any more. Or we are not supposed to.
I took about 1/8 of a suboxone strip how long will it be
Dec 31, 2017 · How can I get one 8 mg suboxone out of urine quickly. I am aware of the 5-6 days it usually takes. But I would rather it not show up in urine ? If i took about 3 to 4 mg of Suboxone on sunday about noon. Would it still show up on a urine drug screen thursday about 1 pm? HOW LONG WILL 2MG SUBOXONE BE IN MY URINE?
my iron saturation is 8, the lab ref range is 15-55, what ... - HealthTap
Mar 7, 2015 · What do these lab results mean? Iron: 32 ug/ml, tibc: 423ug/dl iron saturation 8 % ferritin 8.50ng/ml What do these lab results mean? Iron: 34 ug/ml, tibc: 472 ug/dl, iron saturation: 7.2%, iron 32 ug/dl and ferritin 8 ng/ml Receive labs results today. What could it mean when I have and iron saturation of 52% and normal ferritin levels? Is that ...
I've had my period for 8 days already. is this normal or bad?
Nov 2, 2016 · Ive taken 3 plan bs in one month, and that is such a bad thing to do, but I lost feeling of getting my period and thats normal, but Ive been so lightheaded these past couple of days and have had lower stomach pain.
My hemoglobin was 9.8 is this mild or severe anemia.
Jun 9, 2018 · I have hard time standing up, have a cold sweat and hard time breathing, my hemoglobin is 9, hematocrit 30, I have tachycardia and my glucose is above 150 (non diabetic) Can severe anemia be causing these symptoms?
is penis length 6.8 inch , penis girth 5.51 inch large size penis it ...
Am 22 and about 6foot 2. my penis thickness is about 4.5imches. And a length of 6.8 inches erect. Is there chance of me gaining about an inch more both in girth and length? I feel my size isnt big enough and this affects my confidence with ladies?
What does an 8.5 neutrophils, absolute, automated count mean?
Wbc 21.3 Abs neutrophils is 18.1, neuts automated is 85, lymphs automated is 8.4, eos automated .2 Feeling very week and achy? 9/13 4:44 p.m. lymphocytes automated count 16.9 % lymphocytes automated count is 0.97 is low. neutrophils 76.1% Neutrophils absolute 4.36. 9/13 3:54a.m Lymphocytes automated count 32.2% lymphocytes automate count 2.46 ...
ok to take 500mg amoxicillin every 8 hours, 6 hours then 8
Aug 18, 2017 · You can take it 6/h: Amoxicillin can be taken every 6 hours or so if prescribed 3 times a day like 8-2=8 or 9-3=9 Ao that you take it during waking hours Dr Noonan and another doctor agreed Answered 3/23/2018