If protons are the only stable baryons, why do they decay into …
Jun 23, 2019 · The extra energy of less stable nuclei with higher than optimal proton/neutron ratio for a given nucleon number is released by conversion of a proton to a neutron, emitting …
Proton Decay Modes - Physics Stack Exchange
Of course the reaction is going to be opposite to regular proton decay because of charge but it is going to be similar. It proves that antiprotons are more unstable than protons. However if this …
Can we observe proton decay? - Physics Stack Exchange
I know that the half life of a proton is more than $6.6\\cdot 10^{33}$ years (antimuon decay). I have found this data on Wikipedia proton decay but I do not know the probability distribution …
mass energy - Decay of proton to neutron - Physics Stack Exchange
Apr 8, 2021 · Decay of proton to neutron is--Possible only inside nucleus; 2)Not possible. Always possible as it is associated with Beta+ decay; I thought that mass should be conserved here, …
Newest 'proton-decay' Questions - Physics Stack Exchange
Aug 20, 2024 · Proton decay is a theoretical possibility, as it is predicted to happen by some GUTs, so the proton may not be stable and could decay into lighter particles considering …
What is the difference between beta positive decay and proton …
Dec 6, 2015 · Protons have smaller masses than neutrons. It is energetically favorable for a free neutron to decay into a (proton, electron, anti-neutrino) but not possible for a free proton to …
quantum field theory - Does the lack of evidence for proton decay ...
Feb 1, 2021 · But does the lack of evidence for proton decay really rules out the basic grand unification theories? The GUT's prediction of proton half-life is based on the assumption that …
particle physics - Proton Decay; How long until this becomes a …
Sep 25, 2016 · The most vexing problem is the apparently insurmountable issue of Proton Decay and how this could put a premature halt to our species and in fact any complex baryonic …
How can a proton be converted to a neutron via positron emission …
The pure decay is $$ p \to n + e^+ + \nu_e \,,$$ and requires a little more energy that you would naively expect from the masses of the proton, neutron and positron (and, of course, can only …
supersymmetry - SUSY and proton decay - Physics Stack Exchange
May 13, 2018 · $\begingroup$ The question you should be asking is more subtle than that. In most cases a beyond-the-standard-model theory is attractive because it solves several …