Principle of Subsidiarity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The principle of subsidiarity, which recognises that the location-specific nature of many transport externalities means that policy action is often better pursued at the national or local level, rather than the European level, was affirmed by the Green Paper on fair and efficient pricing. This has meant that European policy development has ...
Subsidiarity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Subsidiarity is a principle that integrates local and global actions to promote benefit- and burden-sharing, emphasizing human dignity, freedom, and pluralism while safeguarding individual and community interests. It aims to reconcile universal sustainable development goals with …
Revisiting subsidiarity: Not only administrative decentralization but ...
2024年12月1日 · This article critically revisits the ideal of subsidiarity, taking Head's warning into serious account: “As a principle, subsidiarity is widely invoked and supported, but in practice it is highly contested and could be used to justify a variety of practical outcomes in different circumstances” (Head, 2006: 160; compare with Jaeschke, 2024; Peterson, 1994; Mulé & …
The Lancet Global Health - ScienceDirect
2024年7月1日 · The principle of subsidiarity is comprised of two essential elements—non-abandonment and agency—which are both indispensable for achieving justice. 15 Finding the right balance between these elements is crucial to prevent negative consequences. Overemphasising non-abandonment while disregarding agency might lead to patronising …
The subsidiarity principle in innovation policy for societal challenges
2020年1月1日 · The classic subsidiarity principle rests on considerations of efficiency calling for more supranational policies, and democracy calling for more (sub)national policies. From our discussion, we concluded that the arguments for a supranational challenge-oriented innovation policy, given the alleged universal nature of the societal challenges, are ...
Pooling sovereignty under the subsidiary principle
2010年3月1日 · The subsidiarity principle applies to those issues that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the European Union. The principle states that the European Union will be in charge of determining a particular policy if it cannot be sufficiently, or efficiently, determined by the member states at either the national or regional level of ...
Subsidiarity and autonomy - ScienceDirect
1994年7月1日 · The principle of subsidiarity thus means that the community be thus constituted to aid, assist and help with the realisation of individuality. We would expect to find this kind of admonition in a speculum, in a Fstenspiegel, as we indeed do in antiquity, as in the middle ages, and as we do in its popularisation in this century in Roman Catholic ...
A Catholic View of the Ethic Principle of Solidarity. Consequences …
2015年5月14日 · The social work organizations are based not only of the principle of solidarity of their own employees and voluntary people. In their active dynamic these institutions, organizations and foundations are taking into account the balance between the ethical principles of personality, solidarity, subsidiarity and responsibility.
The ethics of using embryos in research - ScienceDirect
2007年1月1日 · The subsidiarity principle introduces a ranking in the organisms to be used and destroyed in research. The separation principle cuts the link between the creation of the embryo, the destruction of the embryo and the decision to discard the embryo and the use of the embryonic cells and tissues for research.
Correspondence Principle - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics The dynamic correspondence principle. A principle similar to the above correspondence principle but with possible advantages for special load histories exists if the proportional loading has periodic character. Specifically, if the load varies sinusoidally---is “dynamic” in the vernacular of the classical viscoelastic material ...