PPKGs Part 2 - Testing and deploying provisioning packages for …
2019年6月21日 · dir being an alias for Get-ChildItem just lists all the files with the PPKG extension, we then pipe this list into the New-IsoFile function and specify the path of the output ISO (make sure the folder exists first!) Your PPKG needs to be at the root of the file system and not in a subfolder.
PPKG didn't join device in Intune, although it should
2024年12月16日 · If a PPKG didn’t join the device to Intune: Check PPKG Configuration: Ensure it’s set up correctly for Intune enrollment. Network Connection: Verify the device has internet access during setup. Licensing: Confirm the device and user have proper Intune licenses. Time Sync: Ensure the system time and date are accurate.
PPKG enrollment of Win10 PC's | Microsoft Community Hub
2021年6月15日 · Does anyone know if it is possible to achieve the same status enrollment page as autopilot enrollments, when enrolling PC's via the PPKG? (see image...
Bulk join a Windows device to Azure AD and Microsoft Endpoint …
2021年5月25日 · By Anders Ahl – Principal Program Manager | Microsoft Endpoint Manager - Intune . As an admin that manages Windows 10 devices, you can take advantage of joining large numbers of new Windows devices to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and Intune.
PPKGs Part 1 - Creating Simple Windows 10 1607 Provisioning …
2019年6月21日 · First published on TECHNET on Feb 11, 2017 The world of IT is moving fast and it's only getting faster. You may have seen blog posts before about creating Windows 10 Provisioning Packages, but did you know there's a really easy …
Downloading Microsoft Store apps using Windows Package …
2024年8月2日 · Hi, We’re encountering the same issue as myokeeh . The procedure described in this article doesn’t work for non-public Line-of-Business (LOB) apps : Our apps were previously available through the Microsoft Store for Business, and since its discontinuation, we’ve been unable to use WinGet to download them using the app ID.
How to Retrieve an Azure AD Bulk Token with PowerShell
2021年11月9日 · First, copy the content of the export to your deployment share – for the first attempts I selected my deploymentshare/script directory (which will be referred as %scriptroot% within MDT Deployment) and created an subdir named “PPKG” Add a “Run Command line” Step with the command:
AzureAD joined device via PPKG didn't enroll in Intune
2021年6月14日 · AzureAD joined device via PPKG didn't enroll in Intune I followed the instructions Bulk enrollment for Windows devices to enroll my device in Azure AD using a package on a usb key. I do not have on-prem AD.
How to Apply a provisioning package to Windows 10 ISO file?
2019年11月9日 · Hi, The way you do this is, you install Windows and the applications you want to be installed, then create an install.wim from that installation.
Join Devices using a provisioning package (.ppkg) in Azure AD
2023年3月9日 · Join Devices using a provisioning package (.ppkg) in Azure AD - how does it work in detail? For a project, we are checking whether there is a way to join the devices into AAD using a provisioning package.