Unrecognized Charge to credit card starting with PP*
2021年6月14日 · I have an unrecognized charge to my credit card that starts with PP* and is a PayPal number. However, the charge does not show up in my PayPal activity, so the money was taken from my connected credit card, but PayPal does not show this activity. Has anyone else had this problem? Here is how my charge reads on credit card. PP*JUDITHWINE[Removed.
Solved: Reference ID: PP-L-205759747854 - PayPal Community
2019年12月12日 · This is crazy. I made a purchase on 12/11, received a statement on 12/13. No issues. I log in right after the new year and notice I have a message.
What is Meta Platform and why do they charge - PayPal Community
2022年10月14日 · Hi @Rosalita21,. Welcome to the PayPal Community and thank you for your post! Meta's products and services include, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. If you are seeing a charge from Meta on your PayPal account, it is most likely ref
Available Credit on PP Credit Card NOT Reflecting - PayPal …
2023年5月25日 · Question: Why hasn't my available credit on my credit card account been updated to reflect the payment if it is showing as completed? Situation: I made a payment on 05/16/2023 online and it's cleared my bank account (the same day) and even shows a "completed" status on PayPal's website. PayPal Cre...
Solved: Reference ID: PP-L-205759747854 - PayPal Community
I work for several companies as a Sub Contractor,,..... So on Sunday my PayPal was working fine. Early Monday morning i get a message sent to my email letting me know that my PayPal account will no longer receive or send payments. The Code ID Ref PP-L-239812964044 is this....
You can't use PayPal anymore Reference ID: PP-008-023-930-869
Reference ID: PP-008-023-930-869 i just call them they told me dont know the reason just paypal legal department know and to send them a letter via post to find out because im not a good english speaker i want to know the reason why they hold my …
Response from PP re fraudulent email - PayPal Community
2023年4月28日 · The email said the purchase looked fraudulent ($800 Egift card) but I should call before the charge went through that day. The wordage in the email was choppy and the 'sent by' was a name with an [removed] email address. My inquiries on the 'Assistant' that PP provides was dropped with no response. Have no choice but to close my PP account.
Solved: Reference ID: PP-L-243784261239 - PayPal Community
Okay so PayPal was trying to say that I have fraudulent account because I have three different addresses and I got my unemployment payment downloaded onto the PayPal card now I don't have any way to get that off I didn't have a bank account at the time I do now they put me on a hundred eighty day ho...
Unauthorized debit PP Magazine to non-business paypal
2021年9月12日 · Not sure why I have an unauthorized pending debit from PayPal for my non-business account. I saw that others experienced this several years ago, but did not see a solution on PayPal end. Please advise.
Is this a Phishing Attempt. PP Customer service co ... - PayPal …
2019年8月13日 · Incredulously, the lady from PP Customer Service couldn't confirm that these was a legitimate or fake PP domains! I reported to [email protected], Thurs 8th Aug. Got an automated "Thanks You" response and have heard nothing since. …