Solved: Reference ID: PP-L-205759747854 - PayPal Community
2019年12月12日 · This is crazy. I made a purchase on 12/11, received a statement on 12/13. No issues. I log in right after the new year and notice I have a message.
Unrecognized Charge to credit card starting with PP*
2021年6月14日 · I have an unrecognized charge to my credit card that starts with PP* and is a PayPal number. However, the charge does not show up in my PayPal activity, so the money …
Unbekannte Abbuchung - PayPal Community
2024年9月28日 · Wir haben den von Ihnen eingereichten Fall eines unbefugten Zugriffs PP-R-SRR-543839344 geprüft und sind zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass es sich nicht um einen …
Unbekannt Abbuchung - PayPal Community
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass fast 19 € von meinem Bankkonto abgebucht wurden für einen Vorgang, den ich nicht erkenne: SEPA-LASTSCHRIFT 1033571563990/PP.8613. PP/. ....., Ihr Einkauf …
What is Meta Platform and why do they charge - PayPal Community
2022年10月14日 · Hi @Rosalita21,. Welcome to the PayPal Community and thank you for your post! Meta's products and services include, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. If you are …
I don't recognize the fastspring charge on my account
Dear Meghan, yes I have been through the review process and received no joy whatsoever. In response, I have lodged a complaint with the Australian Finical Services Ombudsman and will …
Solved: Ref ID - PP-L-313664246843 - PayPal Community
Hello, Today I registered a PayPal account for the first time and it was immediately blocked. I got an email "You can no longer use PayPal (Ref ID - PP-L-313664246843)". Tried to find what …
You can't use PayPal anymore Reference ID: PP-008-023-930-869
Reference ID: PP-008-023-930-869 i just call them they told me dont know the reason just paypal legal department know and to send them a letter via post to find out because im not a good …
Betreff: Unbekannte Abbuchung - PayPal Community
Phone #s not permitted]0006 0348 61 Zahlungsempfänger PAYPAL (EUROPE) S.A.R.L ET CIE,S.C.A. Verwendungszweck 1020948580620 PP.2578.PP EREF: 1020948580620 …
Solved: Reference ID: PP-L-205759747854 - PayPal Community
I work for several companies as a Sub Contractor,,..... So on Sunday my PayPal was working fine. Early Monday morning i get a message sent to my email letting me know that my PayPal …