For the first time since POSTECH's establishment, we are recruiting international undergraduate students starting from Fall 2026 intake. We seek for the potential candidates equipped with qualities and skills in STEM areas.
알고리즘 및 최적화 센터(Center for Algorithm and Optimization, CALOP)는 2024년 POSTECH에서 설립한 연구 센터입니다. CALOP은 조합최적화 및 알고리즘 분야의 연구 역량을 결집하여 기초 알고리즘 연구 및 분야 간 융합 과제 발굴이 가능한 Research for Research (R4R) hub로서의 ...
POSTECH is one of the designated universities in Korea, and the application period is from February to March every year. Applicants can choose to apply for GKS through one of the following two tracks: