Porites | Reef2Reef
2018年12月27日 · The Darth Maul Porites is easy to get and hands down the most pure red Sps coral I've ever seen. Purple Porites is also available in aquaculture circles. The one with the white polyps is the nicest.
Porites - share your knowledge and photos | Reef2Reef
2014年12月4日 · I assume porites aren't seen much because of the slow growth rate and in terms of encrusting corals, the colorful and fast growing option of montis may be preferable for many. I don't know anything about how porites do in combat against acros in turf warfare.
Very large (10 m in diameter) Porites coral | Reef2Reef
2021年6月10日 · An exceptionally large coral Porites sp. has been identified and measured at Goolboodi (Orpheus Island), Great Barrier Reef (GBR). This coral was measured in March 2021 during citizen science research of coral reefs in the Palm Islands group. We conducted a literature review and consulted...
Is this Porites? | Reef2Reef
2024年1月3日 · Not Cyphastrea as it is not plocoid; not Leptastrea either Could be Porites; other similar coral genera exist, like Madracis If it came on maricultured Florida/Caribbean live rock it wouldn't be Leptastrea, as Leptastrea doesn't occur in the West-Atlantic.
Yellow porites. Couple questions... - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef ...
2020年2月18日 · Yellow branching porites you need daylight bulbs and high par with low nutrients to keep the coral a nice yellow. Add nutrients and the base turns green some and use mainly blue light and it will be just green with green/yellow at the ends of the branches.
Darth Maul Porites Care - Light? | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater …
2022年6月15日 · It grows next to other porites and some acros. Worth mentioning that the PAR from your light is probably listed in air - the Fluval Nanos I've used were good for moderate lighting in a small (<5G) tank, but don't have a lot of depth penetration.
Show off your branching yellow porites | Reef2Reef
2019年4月20日 · I love this coral but mine always branched very well and grew pretty decently. High par with white light and it looks nice light green with good yellow branch ends.
Darth Maul Porites...what happened? | Reef2Reef
2009年2月27日 · I think a lot of people treated it like it was a monti/SPS and lost theirs. They are higher nutrient and lower light corals IME, I think popularity has everything to do with ease of care, how fast a coral grows, and how it looks. For the porites it only gets one out of the three. So thats why its receded into the background IMO.
Encrusting Porites growth control | Reef2Reef
2015年1月28日 · Hi everyone, I have a encrusting green Porites that for sone years grew relatively slowly but now it has taken off and I am concerned it will smother my acros further up on the same rock. Being an encrusting coral what are the best options to keep it from getting to the acros? The rock is ceramic so chiseling is not easy. Thanks!
Help on placement porites | Reef2Reef
2013年6月30日 · Do porites like high lighting or low and high flow or not? Thanks . Reply. Sep 1, 2015 #2 saltyphish