The Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders (PONL) is a non-profit, professional membership society that promotes excellence in the practice of nursing administration. Our primary mission is to be a vehicle for networking and information exchange among our members.
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - Legislation - PONL
PONL is adamantly opposed to any legislation that would mandate nurse-to-patient ratios for all heath care organizations. Read PONL's Position Statement on Nurse Staffing Practices & Ratios (updated April 2023).
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - Conferences - PONL
PONL Annual Leadership Conference in Harrisburg, PA. Registration to open soon! More information is available on the conference schedule webpage. Interested in sponsoring? Download the Exhibitor Prospectus . Ready to register …
PONL Annual Nursing Leadership 2024 Conference
2024年9月26日 · PONL Annual Leadership Conference in Harrisburg, PA. This year's conference is being planned to feature engaging speakers, opportunities to learn about the latest and greatest products from our exhibitors and the ability to network with fellow nurse leaders from across the Commonwealth.
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - PONL 2025 Nursing ...
Take advantage now before the PONL once it is released, stay tuned for more information! Use the following Group Code if you are calling into the hotel: 92J. Parking Information. Overnight guests may park in the connecting Walnut Street parking garage at a reduced rate. Current rates: Overnight Guest Self-Parking: $15/evening - unlimited exits**
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - PONL
program and education committee chair nicole schliecker, msn, rn, ccm, cnor, cpc legislative committee chair rosa hickey, msn, rn, nea-bc membership committee chair
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - PONL
Access to educational sessions featuring expert speakers through PONL, SEPONL, and other regional Pennsylvania chapters; Poster presentations as a forum to share evidence-based best practice; Networking sessions with nurse and healthcare leaders at the state and regional level;
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - Event Calendar - PONL
3 天之前 · PONL’s 700+ members represent a diverse range of roles, from frontline nurse managers to senior executives, including CNOs and COOs from large multisystem organizations across Pennsylvania. Supporting PONL provides unparalleled access to key nurse leaders and decision-makers within these facilities.
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - Join Today - ponl.net
PONL Member Benefits. We are committed to providing education, networking opportunities, E-Updates and other timely communications, job postings, and legislative resources to our members. Members receive reduced fees on educational sessions including the Annual Conference, Regional Events, and Webinars.
Pennsylvania Organization of Nurse Leaders - PONL 2025 Nursing ...
PONL is able to offer you the rates if $149 for a King Room and $169 for a Double Queen, per night, Sept. 25-27, 2024. Reserve your room at the Crowne Plaza. or Call 717-234-5021 and use the code: PON to reserve your room. Take advantage now before the PONL block is sold out! Parking Information