Ponkan - Wikipedia
Ponkan (Hokkien Chinese: 椪柑; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: phòng-kam); Citrus poonensis; "Chinese Honey Orange") is a high-yield sweet Citrus cultivar with large fruits in the size of an orange. It is a citrus hybrid (mandarin × pomelo), [1] though it was once thought to be a pure mandarin. [2] [3] danige tani cangen up.vaniger Napinge danigen ounga cen ...
椪柑 - 百度百科
椪柑(Citrus reticulata 'Ponkan'),芸香科柑橘属木本植物,叶片为椭圆形或阔卵形;花单生或簇生;果实扁圆形,蒂部隆起,顶部平而宽,中央凹,橙黄至橙红色,油量多、皮粗糙、果肉汁多、味甜;花期4到5月,果期11到12月。
Ponkan mandarin - Givaudan Citrus Variety Collection at UCR
Ponkan is probably the most widely-grown mandarin in the world, being heavily-grown in China, India, and Brazil.It is a vigorous grower and has an upright bearing. At maturity it is a medium-sized tree.
Mandarin, Chinese Honey Orange, Tangerine 'Ponkan
The ‘Ponkan’ Tangerine is one of the oldest mandarin tangerines and remains one of the most popular varieties for the many attributes it brings to the landscape. Just for starters, when this citrus tree sets its blooms it attracts the North American Giant Swallowtail butterfly which uses it and other citrus trees for food in the larval stage.
椪柑 (橘) Ponkan | 世界柑橘品种
"This is the famous and highly reputed ponkan of South China and Formosa, the Batangas mandarin of the Philippines, and the Nagpur suntara or santra (various other spellings) of India. Other names that occur in the literature and should best be dropped include Swatow orange and Chinese Honey orange.
青神碰柑 - 百度百科
椪柑(ponkan)又名芦柑、白橘、勐版橘、梅柑,原产我国,江西、福建、广东、浙江、广西、台湾、四川和重庆等省(市、区)栽培较多。 椪柑分硬芦和有芦。
芦柑 - 全球百科
芦柑 (学名: Citrus reticulata 'Ponkan')是宽皮桔中的一种主要桔类品种,分类属于 芸香科 柑橘属 植物 柑橘 (Citrus reticulata),又称椪 [pèng]柑、有柑等。 芦柑在 中国 、 日本 、 美国 、 印度 、泰国、缅甸、斯里兰卡、马来西亚、菲律宾、巴西等国均有栽种分布,其中在中国主要产于中国台湾、福建南部、广东东部等地,在江西、 浙江 、 广西 等地也有分布,是中国分布最广泛的柑 橘 类型。 芦柑的生态 适应 性强,是典型的热带、 亚热带 常绿 果树,凡能种植柑橘的区域, …
The Ponkan Tangerine Tree - Minneopa Orchards
2022年12月7日 · The Ponkan Tangerine tree bears fruit that is incredibly sweet. This is a change-up from most tangerine crops, which are known for being tart and even sour. You can eat the fruit directly from the tree.
椪柑 - 全球百科
椪[pèng]柑(Citrus reticulata 'Ponkan')别名芦柑、有柑、蜜桶柑、潮州蜜桔,芸香科 柑橘属 木本植物,椪柑 树冠高大,树势强健,幼树枝条直立,老树稍开张,主干有棱;果扁圆形,或蒂部隆起呈短颈状的阔圆锥形,顶部平而宽,中央凹,有浅放射沟,纵横径5.1-6.1 ...
椪柑 - 搜狗百科
2024年10月24日 · 椪柑(拉丁学名:Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Ponkan),皮薄易剥,色泽鲜美,果肉橙红色,汁多、组织紧密、浓甜脆嫩,化渣爽口、籽少,且有药用功效;适合南方各省生长。