Polymer - Wikipedia
Polymers range from familiar synthetic plastics such as polystyrene to natural biopolymers such as DNA and proteins that are fundamental to biological structure and function. Polymers, both natural and synthetic, are created via polymerization …
Polymer | Description, Examples, Types, Material, Uses, & Facts ...
2025年2月7日 · A polymer is any of a class of natural or synthetic substances composed of very large molecules, called macromolecules, which are multiples of simpler chemical units called monomers. Polymers make up many of the materials in living organisms and are the basis of many minerals and man-made materials.
Polymers - Types, Classification, Properties, and Uses of Polymers
What Are Polymers? A polymer is a large molecule or a macromolecule, which essentially is a combination of many subunits. The term polymer in Greek means ‘many parts’. Polymers can be found all around us, from the strand of our DNA, which is a naturally occurring biopolymer, to polypropylene which is used throughout the world as plastic.
Explainer: What are polymers? - Science News Explores
2017年10月13日 · By definition, polymers are large molecules made by bonding (chemically linking) a series of building blocks. The word polymer comes from the Greek words for “many parts.” Each of those parts is scientists call a monomer (which in Greek means “one part”). Think of a polymer as a chain, with each of its links a monomer.
Polymers - Definition, Types, Structure, Properties, and FAQs
2023年7月4日 · A polymer is a molecule made up of numerous small molecules called monomers that are joined together to form a larger molecule. The word “polymer” is made up of two parts: “poly” which means “many,” and “mer” which means “unit.”
Polymers 101: What Are Polymers?, Classes, Types, and Common …
2025年1月15日 · In this article, we’ll expand on what a polymer is, its features, classifications, and examples. What Is a Polymer? 1. Classification Based on Source. 2. Classification Based on Their Reaction to Heat. 3. Classification of Polymers Based on the Structure of the Monomer Chain. 4. Classification Based on the Type of Polymerization. 5.
What are Polymers? (with picture) - AllTheScience
2024年5月21日 · Polymers are molecules that consist of a long, repeating chain of smaller units called monomers. They have the highest molecular weight among any molecules, and may consist of billions of atoms. Human DNA is a polymer with over 20 billion constituent atoms. Proteins, made up of amino acids, and many other molecules that make up life are polymers.
Examples of Natural Polymers and Their Monomers - Science …
2021年3月16日 · Even elements can form natural polymers. For example, graphene is a polymer made of carbon subunits. Under certain conditions, the element sulfur forms a natural plastic. Obsidian (natural glass), diamond, quartz, and other minerals are natural inorganic polymers.
7.9: Polymers and Plastics - Chemistry LibreTexts
Polymers can be classified according to their chemical composition, their physical properties, and their general application. For each of these three categories, name two examples that that might be considered when adapting a polymer to a particular end-use.
Polymers - Materials - KS3 Chemistry - BBC Bitesize
polymers are manufactured using chemical reactions that join lots of small molecules together to make long molecules. For example, polycarbonate is a synthetic polymer used to make the lenses for...