Help: PSN Status Not Displaying : r/discordapp - Reddit
Under your linked PlayStation Network account, toggle both “Display on profile” and “Display PlayStation Network as your status” to be turned on. However, my discord still shows a blank …
Psn status not showing up in Discord : r/discordapp - Reddit
2022年2月2日 · Ok, so apperently your psn status doesn't show if there is already another connection in your status, i don't know why this is, but after i turned spotify off it was suddenly …
PSN Status not showing up as a Status? Some Troubleshooting!
2022年2月13日 · To do this, navigate to your Discord settings, then to Connections. There should be an option to "Display Playstation Network as your status". You will obviously want this …
Playstation status not showing up on discord. : r/playstation - Reddit
2022年2月2日 · Go to the Users and Accounts section in the settings menu. From there, go to the privacy tab and select view and customize your privacy settings. Then, under 'your activity" set …
PSN down for anyone else right now? : r/playstation - Reddit
You can check the status of PlayStation Network in your region by visiting the PSN Status Page. Refresh the status page for updates. Refresh the status page for updates. If PSN appears to …
r/playstation on Reddit: My PS5 is stuck in Appear Offline mode …
2022年6月3日 · Signing in on computer and changing status Signing out of PS App Changing status on PS App Having a friend sign into my account and changing status on their PS …
[PS5] Online Status Unknown Every Boot-Up : r/playstation - Reddit
Been experiencing this for what feels like a year now. Log in, PlayStation network online status is unknown. Go to settings. Disconnect from the internet. Reconnect to the internet. Check the …
PSN Status : r/playstation - Reddit
Please keep your discussions regarding PSN server status within this post so we can cut down on the amount of duplicated content. Thank you! PLEASE NOTE: I do not nor do any of the other …
PlayStation Stars - FAQ : r/playstationstars - Reddit
2022年10月5日 · Currently, the full PlayStation Stars experience – including your personalized campaigns, reward catalog, and status level – is viewable exclusively through PlayStation …
PSN down right now ? : r/playstation - Reddit
You can check the status of PlayStation Network in your region by visiting the PSN Status Page. Refresh the status page for updates. Refresh the status page for updates. If PSN appears to …