A Guide To China’s Increasingly Impressive Air-To-Air Missile …
2022年9月1日 · Reports suggest that the PL-12 uses a variable-thrust rocket motor to ensure speed and maneuverability across the flight envelope, and that the PLA considers it superior to the AIM-120B and the Russian R-77 (AA-12 Adder), although marginally less capable than the more advanced AIM-120C.
PL-12 / SD-10 / Tianyan 90 - GlobalSecurity.org
The PL-12 [Pili = Thunderbolt, or Pen Lung = Air Dragon] SD-10 (PL-12) active radar-guided medium-range air-to-air missile program is now in the test phase.
PL-12 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PL-12 (PiLi-12, 霹雳-12), also designated SD-10 (ShanDian-10, 闪电-10), is a radar-guided air-to-air missile developed by China's Luoyang Electro-Optical Technology Development Center. PL-12 is in service with the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).
PL-12 - Wikiwand
The PL-12 (Chinese: 霹雳-12; pinyin: Pī Lì-12; lit. 'Thunderbolt-12', NATO reporting name: CH-AA-7 Adze) is an active radar-guided beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile developed by the People's Republic of China. It is considered comparable to the US AIM-120 AMRAAM and the Russian R-77. Quick Facts Type, Place of origin ...
pl12导弹什么水平? - 知乎
16年中泰军演PPT认为PL-12性能和JAS39上的aim120c5/c7相当,应该是相对可靠的。这也从另外一个侧面说明PL-12和SD-10A关系可能更近些。 硬要说区别的话,aim120系列体积更小,重量更轻,适装性更好,可以上f16翼尖、f15 LAU-128之类的地方,载弹量会有优势。
SD-10/PL-12 信息整理和简单分析 - 哔哩哔哩
本书由PL-12第二任总师樊会涛院士编著 和战争雷霆游戏中现有各种雷达弹对比,SD-10A增速略强于AIM-7F(被大幅度buff至956m/s)和超530D(976m/s),略弱于R-27ER(1096m/s)。
PL-12 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The PL-12, SD-10 export designation, is an advanced beyond visual range air-to-air missile outfitted with an active homing head. It is powered by a rocket motor that provides a top speed of Mach 4 and a maximum range of 70 kilometers.
解放军的霹雳:图解中国空军PL-1到PL-12空空导弹 - 搜狐
2017年5月25日 · PL-12,国产主动雷达制导空对空导弹,1997年开始研制,2005年定型服役。 PL-12是中国目前主要的超视距空战武器,最先装备与歼-8F战斗机,随后广泛装备于歼-10、歼-11B等各个型号,其出口版本即SD-10已随枭龙战斗机出口至巴基斯坦。 PL-12的导引头技术源自于俄制9B-1103M导引头,该弹研制过程中曾出现大量问题,但最终以极高的命中率完成了定 …
从PL-12到PL-15,中国空战利刃的进化之路 - 知乎专栏
PL-12(霹雳-12)是中国自行研制的新一代中距空空导弹,其诞生标志着中国空军真正具备超视距空战和多目标打击能力。 在20世纪90年代中期,中国正式开启对这款先进雷达制导中距空空导弹的研制,旨在改变中国空空导弹依赖进口和技术落后的局面 。 从技术参数来看,PL-12弹长3.80米,弹径0.203米,翼展550毫米,弹重180千克,最大射程70 - 100千米(高空发射),最大速 …
PL-12 — Anti-Air — Missiles/Rockets/Bombs - Military Periscope
The PL-12 is a Chinese active homing medium-range air-to-air missile based on the Russian R-77 (AA-12 Adder). It is said to be comparable to the U.S. AIM-120A AMRAAM. The PL-12 features four delta wings at its mid-section, four tail fins and an externally mounted wiring harness cover.
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